Indiana Code
Chapter 6. License Fees
4-32.3-6-6. Annual Affiliate License; Determination of Adjusted Gross Revenue

Sec. 6. (a) This section applies only to the renewal of an annual affiliate license under IC 4-32.3-4-8.
(b) A qualified organization's adjusted gross revenue is an amount equal to the difference between:
(1) the qualified organization's total gross revenue; minus
(2) any amount deducted under IC 4-32.3-5-3(b)(5) for the preceding activity.
(c) For purposes of determining adjusted gross revenue under subsection (b), a qualified organization must aggregate:
(1) the gross revenue from all activities by the qualified organization's Indiana affiliates under the qualified organization's annual affiliate license in a particular year; and
(2) the deductions taken with respect to the activities described in subsection (b) by all of the qualified organization's Indiana affiliates in particular year.
As added by P.L.58-2019, SEC.4.