Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Transfer of Land to United States Government for Location of Federal Projects in Indiana
4-3-9-1. Definitions

Sec. 1. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Agency of the state" means any officer, agency, department, board, bureau, commission, division or institution of the state of Indiana, the trustees or board of directors of any corporation of the state or body politic of the state supported in whole or in part by appropriations from the state, and the trustees of any state-supported university.
(2) "Land" means both unimproved and improved land.
(3) "Title" and "interest in land" means both legal and equitable title and interest in land.
(4) "Transfer" means a gift, grant, conveying, exchange, lease, or sale.
(5) "United States of America" shall include the United States government and any agency or entity thereof.
As added by Acts 1977, P.L.25, SEC.1.