Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Commission on Forensic Sciences
4-23-6-6. Medical Examiner System

Sec. 6. (a) The commission on forensic sciences shall promulgate and adopt rules in accordance with IC 4-22-2 to:
(1) create a medical examiner system to aid, assist, and complement the coroner in the performance of the coroner's duties by providing medical assistance in determining causes of death; and
(2) establish minimum and uniform standards of excellence, performance of duties, and maintenance of records to provide information to the state regarding causes of death for cases investigated.
The commission shall also adopt any other rules that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(b) The commission shall establish five (5) medical examiner districts within the state, taking into consideration population, geographical size of the area covered, availability of trained personnel, death rate by both natural and unnatural causes, and similar related factors. No county may be divided in the creation of a district.
(c) A district medical examiner shall be appointed by the commission for each district from nominees who are physicians licensed to practice in Indiana. Nominees must reside in the district they are nominated for, and a preference shall be given to practicing physicians in pathology.
(d) The district medical examiner may appoint as many physicians as associate medical examiners as may be necessary to provide service within the district. The associate examiners shall be licensed to practice in Indiana with a preference to practicing pathologists.
(e) District and associate medical examiners may engage in the private practice of medicine or surgery in addition to their duties as medical examiners.
(f) The district and associate medical examiners shall, at the request of coroners in their districts:
(1) provide medical assistance in investigating deaths;
(2) provide or contract for laboratory facilities for performing autopsies and investigations;
(3) provide for the keeping of reports of all investigations and examinations; and
(4) provide other functions which may be specified in rules adopted by the commission.
(g) A district or associate medical examiner who performs a medical examination or autopsy under the direction of a coroner is immune from civil liability for performing the examination or autopsy.
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.39, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.215-2016, SEC.94.