Indiana Code
Chapter 5.5. Indiana Recycling Market Development Board
4-23-5.5-14. Recycling Promotion and Assistance Fund

Sec. 14. (a) The Indiana recycling promotion and assistance fund is established. The purpose of the fund is to promote and assist recycling throughout Indiana by focusing economic development efforts on businesses and projects involving recycling. The fund shall be administered by the board.
(b) Sources of money for the fund consist of the following:
(1) Appropriations from the general assembly.
(2) Repayment proceeds of loans made from the fund.
(3) Gifts and donations.
(4) Money from the solid waste management fund.
(5) Variable recycling fee revenue deposited under IC 13-20.5-2-1.
(c) Money remaining in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund.
(d) The board may use money in the fund to make loans to assist:
(1) persons in establishing new recycling businesses;
(2) in the expansion of existing recycling businesses; and
(3) manufacturers in retrofitting equipment necessary to reuse or recycle secondary materials.
(e) The board shall establish loan:
(1) amounts;
(2) terms; and
(3) interest rates.
(f) The board may use money in the fund to make grants for research and development projects involving recycling. The board shall establish amounts for grants.
(g) A person, business, or manufacturer that wants a grant or loan from the fund must file an application with the board.
(h) The board shall establish criteria for awarding grants and loans under this section.
(i) To implement the central Indiana waste diversion pilot project as described in IC 13-20-26, the board shall award not more than four million dollars ($4,000,000) in total to applicants chosen to participate in the pilot project based on:
(1) the recommendations of the department of environmental management after conducting an evaluation of the proposals submitted under IC 13-20-26-2; and
(2) the requirements set forth in subsection (j).
(j) In awarding the funds described in subsection (i), the board shall:
(1) consult with the department of environmental management when reviewing the proposals under IC 13-20-26-2;
(2) consider the:
(A) type; and
(B) amount of;
waste that is proposed to be diverted during the pilot project under IC 13-20-26;
(3) consider the potential for productive reuse of the waste that is being diverted based on the information provided in the proposal submitted under IC 13-20-26-2; and
(4) give priority to proposals with the largest amount of waste diversion potential throughout the pilot project under IC 13-20-26.
(k) The board may transfer money in the fund to the state solid waste management fund established by IC 13-20-22-2 for use by the department of environmental management to make payments under IC 13-20-17.7-6.
As added by P.L.10-1990, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.170-2006, SEC.1; P.L.178-2009, SEC.2; P.L.120-2022, SEC.1.