Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Indiana Arts Commission
4-23-2-1. Creation; Membership; Contracts; Meetings; Quorum

Sec. 1. (a) There is hereby created a commission to be known as the Indiana arts commission. On and after July 1, 1967, the commission shall consist of fifteen (15) members who shall be appointed by the governor and shall serve for a term of four (4) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. In event of a vacancy, the governor shall appoint a successor to complete the unexpired term.
(b) Insofar as practicable, the members of the commission shall be selected so as to give representation to the various geographical areas of the state and to all fields of the performing and fine arts. Members shall be selected from among the residents of Indiana who have competence, experience, and interest in connection with the performing and fine arts. In making such appointments, due consideration shall be given to any recommendations made by representative civic, educational, and professional associations and groups concerned with or engaged in the production or presentation of the performing and fine arts.
(c) On or before July 1, 1967, the governor shall appoint five (5) members to serve for a term of one (1) year, five (5) members to serve for a term of two (2) years, and five (5) members to serve for a term of four (4) years. Upon the expiration of the terms of the original members appointed under this subsection, their successors shall be appointed for terms of four (4) years. A member shall be eligible to succeed himself.
(d) The commission shall each year designate one (1) of its members to serve as the chairman of the commission who shall be the chief executive officer of the commission, one (1) member to serve as vice chairman who shall act as chairman in the absence or inability to act of the chairman, and one (1) to serve as secretary who shall be responsible for maintaining records of the proceedings of the commission.
(e) All contracts, applications for grants, and other documents shall be executed in the name of the commission either by the chairman of the commission or, when authorized by resolution of the commission, by the executive director and shall be attested by the secretary.
(f) Meetings of the commission shall be held at least quarterly and at such other times as may be necessary. All meetings shall be upon call of the chairman.
(g) The members of the commission shall not be required to devote their full time to their duties, but shall devote such time as is necessary to carry out their duties under this chapter. The members of the commission shall serve without pay, but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in carrying out their duties.
(h) Eight (8) members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the commission. A vacancy in the commission shall not impair the power of a quorum to transact business.
Formerly: Acts 1965, c.248, s.1; Acts 1967, c.274, s.1. As amended by P.L.5-1984, SEC.180.