Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Judicial Review
4-21.5-5-2. Petition; Persons Entitled to Judicial Review

Sec. 2. (a) Judicial review is initiated by filing a petition for review in the appropriate court.
(b) Only a person who qualifies under:
(1) section 3 of this chapter concerning standing;
(2) section 4 of this chapter concerning exhaustion of administrative remedies;
(3) section 5 of this chapter concerning the time for filing a petition for review;
(4) section 13 of this chapter concerning the time for filing the agency record for review; and
(5) any other statute that sets conditions for the availability of judicial review;
is entitled to review of a final agency action.
(c) A person is entitled to judicial review of a nonfinal agency action only if the person establishes both of the following:
(1) Immediate and irreparable harm.
(2) No adequate remedy exists at law. (The failure of a person to comply with the procedural requirements of this article may not be the basis for a finding of an inadequate remedy at law.)
As added by P.L.18-1986, SEC.1.