Indiana Code
Chapter 19. Department of Child Services Ombudsman
4-13-19-5. Powers of Ombudsman

Sec. 5. (a) The office of the department of child services ombudsman may receive, investigate, and attempt to resolve a complaint alleging that the department of child services, by an action or omission occurring on or after January 11, 2005, failed to protect the physical or mental health or safety of any child or failed to follow specific laws, rules, or written policies.
(b) The office of the department of child services ombudsman may also do the following:
(1) Take action, including the establishing of a program of public education, to secure and ensure the legal rights of children.
(2) Periodically review relevant policies and procedures with a view toward the safety and welfare of children.
(3) When appropriate, refer a person making a report of child abuse or neglect to the department of child services and, if appropriate, to an appropriate law enforcement agency.
(4) Recommend changes in procedures for investigating reports of abuse and neglect and overseeing the welfare of children who are under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court.
(5) Make the public aware of the services of the ombudsman, the purpose of the office, and information concerning contacting the office.
(6) Examine policies and procedures and evaluate the effectiveness of the child protection system, specifically the respective roles of the department of child services, the court, the medical community, service providers, guardians ad litem, court appointed special advocates, and law enforcement agencies.
(7) Review and make recommendations concerning investigative procedures and emergency responses contained in the report prepared under section 10 of this chapter.
(c) Upon request of the office of the department of child services ombudsman, the local child protection team shall assist the office of the department of child services ombudsman by investigating and making recommendations on a matter. If a local child protection team was involved in an initial investigation, a different local child protection team may assist in the investigation under this subsection.
(d) At the end of an investigation of a complaint, the office of the department of child services ombudsman shall provide an appropriate report as follows:
(1) If the complainant is a parent, guardian, custodian, court appointed special advocate, guardian ad litem, or court, the ombudsman may provide the same report to the complainant and the department of child services.
(2) If the complainant is not a person described in subdivision (1), the ombudsman shall provide a redacted version of its findings to the complainant stating in general terms that the actions of the department of child services were or were not appropriate.
(e) The department of child services ombudsman shall provide a copy of the report and recommendations to the department of child services. The office of the department of child services ombudsman may not disclose to:
(1) a complainant;
(2) another person who is not a parent, guardian, or custodian of the child who was the subject of the department of child services' action or omission; or
(3) the court, court appointed special advocate, or guardian ad litem of the child in a case that was filed as a child in need of services or a termination of parental rights action;
any information that the department of child services could not, by law, reveal to the complainant, parent, guardian, custodian, person, court, court appointed special advocate, or guardian ad litem.
(f) If, after reviewing a complaint or conducting an investigation and considering the response of an agency, facility, or program and any other pertinent material, the office of the department of child services ombudsman determines that the complaint has merit or the investigation reveals a problem, the ombudsman may recommend that the agency, facility, or program:
(1) consider the matter further;
(2) modify or cancel its actions;
(3) alter a rule, order, or internal policy; or
(4) explain more fully the action in question.
(g) At the office of the department of child services ombudsman's request, the agency, facility, or program shall, within a reasonable time, inform the office of the department of child services ombudsman about the action taken on the recommendation or the reasons for not complying with it.
(h) The office of the department of child services ombudsman may not investigate the following:
(1) A complaint from an employee of the department of child services that relates to the employee's employment relationship with the department of child services.
(2) A complaint challenging a department of child services substantiation of abuse or neglect that is currently the subject of a pending administrative review procedure before the exhaustion of administrative remedies provided by law, rule, or written policy. Investigation of any such complaint received shall be stayed until the administrative remedy has been exhausted. However, if the administrative process is not completed or terminated within six (6) months after initiation of the administrative process, the office of child services ombudsman may proceed with its investigation.
(i) If the office of the department of child services ombudsman does not investigate a complaint, the office of the department of child services ombudsman shall notify the complainant of the decision not to investigate and the reasons for the decision.
As added by P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.55. Amended by P.L.128-2012, SEC.2.