Indiana Code
Chapter 39. Barrett Law Funding for Municipal Sewers
36-9-39-12. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Enlargement of District; Resolution; Notice; Hearing

Sec. 12. (a) If after a hearing under section 10 of this chapter the municipal works board finds that the district described in the resolution and notice should be enlarged by adding to the district other lots and lands that, at the hearing, were shown to be benefited by the sewage works, the board may do the following:
(1) Adopt a supplementary resolution reciting this finding.
(2) Proceed under that supplementary resolution.
(b) The works board shall give notice to the property owners in the added territory by publishing in accordance with IC 5-3-1 a notice that does the following:
(1) Describes the proposed works.
(2) Sets forth the boundaries of the original district.
(3) Describes the boundaries of the territory proposed to be added.
(4) Fixes a date when the owners of property in the added territory may be heard on the question of whether the new territory or any part of the new territory should be incorporated into the original district.
(c) At the hearing specified in the notice, any of the owners of the lots or lands situated in the territory proposed to be added to the district may appear before and be heard by the works board on the question of whether the territory should be added. The decision of the works board is final and conclusive as to all parties in the territory.
(d) If the original resolution is confirmed or modified, the works board shall do the following:
(1) Proceed to advertise for proposals.
(2) Open and consider the proposals in the same manner as other proposals under this chapter.
As added by P.L.98-1993, SEC.10.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 39. Barrett Law Funding for Municipal Sewers

36-9-39-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-39-1.3. "Construction" Defined

36-9-39-2. Transfer of Powers and Duties of Municipal Works Board to Utility Service Board; Authorization

36-9-39-3. Adoption of Resolution; Contents

36-9-39-4. Notice of Resolution and Hearing; Cost Estimate

36-9-39-5. Conduct of Hearing; Findings

36-9-39-6. Confirmation or Modification of Resolution; Subsequent Proceedings Under Alternative Sections Depending on Nature of Sewage Works

36-9-39-7. Sewage Works for Use by Owners of Abutting Property; Bidding Procedure

36-9-39-8. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Map, Profiles, Drawings, and Specifications; Filing

36-9-39-9. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Resolution; Notice

36-9-39-10. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Estimate of Costs; Hearing

36-9-39-11. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Hearing; Findings

36-9-39-12. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Enlargement of District; Resolution; Notice; Hearing

36-9-39-13. Payment of Costs; Appropriations; Assessments; Contracts

36-9-39-14. Payment of Costs; Application of Statutes Concerning Public Bond Issues, Construction, Appropriations, and Tax Levies

36-9-39-15. Sewage Works for Use by Property Owners Along Street, Alley, or Other Public Place; Requirements

36-9-39-16. Sewage Works for Use by Property Owners Along Street, Alley, or Other Public Place; Assessments; Computation

36-9-39-17. Sewage Works for Use by Property Owners Along Street, Alley, or Other Public Place; Property Abutting on Two Streets or One Street and One Alley; Assessments; Computation

36-9-39-18. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Assessments

36-9-39-19. Sewage Works Adapted for Receiving Sewage From Collateral Sewers; Assessments; Hearing; Review

36-9-39-20. Assessments; Inclusion of Amount Determined Under Ic 36-9-22-5

36-9-39-21. Assessment Roll; Formulation; Contents

36-9-39-22. Assessment Roll; Finality of Primary or Preliminary Assessments; Notice of Works, Assessment Roll, and Hearing on Assessments

36-9-39-23. Hearing on Assessments; Findings; Modification of Preliminary or Primary Assessments

36-9-39-24. Hearing on Assessments; Modification of Assessment Roll; Delivery to Fiscal Officer

36-9-39-25. Hearing on Assessments; Finality of Decision; Appeals; Effect of Defective Procedures

36-9-39-26. Duties of Fiscal Officer

36-9-39-27. Assessments Against Municipality; Payment; Property Not Liable for Assessments; Subrogation Rights of Municipality

36-9-39-28. Enforcement of Assessments and Bonds; Statutes Applicable

36-9-39-29. Contractors; Submission of Monthly Estimates of Work Done; Issuance of Certificates in Payment; Negotiability; Interest; Retainage

36-9-39-30. Sewage Works Through Cemeteries; Purchase or Condemnation of Rights-of-Way; Assessments Prohibited; Removal of Bodies; Record