Indiana Code
Chapter 8.3. Impairment Determination for Mental Illness
36-8-8.3-4. Review Panels Established; Selection; Compensation

Sec. 4. (a) This chapter provides for the establishment of mental health disability review panels to review impairment determinations in the case of a mental health disability.
(b) A mental health disability review panel consists of:
(1) one (1) psychologist licensed under IC 25-33-1-5.1;
(2) one (1) psychiatrist licensed as a physician under IC 25-22.5; and
(3) one (1) active or retired police officer or firefighter who is a member of the 1977 fund, depending on the profession of the fund member being evaluated.
(c) A mental health disability review panel shall be selected by the system board.
(d) Compensation shall be determined by the system board.
(e) A mental health disability review panel established under this chapter is not a governing body under IC 5-14-1.5-2(b).
As added by P.L.54-2020, SEC.3.