Indiana Code
Chapter 7.5. 1953 Police Pension Fund (Indianapolis)
36-8-7.5-12. Voluntary Retirement Pension; Emergency Services

Sec. 12. (a) Benefits paid under this section are subject to section 1.5 of this chapter.
(b) The 1953 fund shall be used to provide a member of the police department who retires from active duty after twenty (20) or more years of active duty an annual pension equal to fifty percent (50%) of the salary of a first class patrolman in the police department, plus:
(1) for a member who retires before January 1, 1986, two percent (2%) of the first class patrolman's salary for each year of service; or
(2) for a member who retires after December 31, 1985, one percent (1%) of the first class patrolman's salary for each six (6) months of service;
of the retired member over twenty (20) years. The pension may not exceed in any year an amount greater than seventy-four percent (74%) of the salary of a first class patrolman. The pensions shall be computed on an annual basis but shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. If the salary of a first class patrolman is increased or decreased, the pension payable shall be proportionately increased or decreased.
(c) If a member retires upon the member's voluntary application after twenty (20) years or more of active service, the member then relinquishes all rights to other benefits or pensions for disability during the time of the member's retirement.
(d) After retirement the member is not required to render further services on the police department and is no longer subject to the rules of the police department, unless a national emergency has been declared by the local board, on application by the executive, the safety board, and the police chief of the city. Upon declaration of such an emergency, the retired member, if physically able, shall return to active duty under the rank the member attained at the time of the member's retirement, and if the member refuses to return to active duty upon being declared physically fit, the member forfeits the member's right to receive the member's pension until the time the member returns to active duty and again is retired or discharged from service.
(e) No pension, annuity, or benefit provided by this chapter is payable by the local board except upon written application by the member of the police department, or the surviving spouse or other dependent, upon the forms and with the information required by the local board.
As added by Acts 1982, P.L.77, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.342-1985, SEC.4; P.L.55-1989, SEC.59; P.L.127-2017, SEC.256.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 7.5. 1953 Police Pension Fund (Indianapolis)

36-8-7.5-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

36-8-7.5-1. Application of Chapter; Officers Eligible for Benefits

36-8-7.5-1.5. Qualification of 1953 Fund Under Internal Revenue Code; Benefit Limitations

36-8-7.5-1.7. "Americans With Disabilities Act"

36-8-7.5-1.9. Administration of Fund

36-8-7.5-2. Establishment of Fund; Local Board of Trustees; Terms; Vacancies; Compensation; Bylaws

36-8-7.5-3. Officers of Local Board; Powers and Duties; Secretary's Bond; Reports

36-8-7.5-4. Management of Revenue of Fund by Local Board

36-8-7.5-5. Applications to Local Board for Annuities, Pensions, and Benefits

36-8-7.5-6. Annual Report of Local Board

36-8-7.5-7. Employees of Local Board; Compensation

36-8-7.5-8. Sources of Fund

36-8-7.5-9. City Officers; Powers and Duties

36-8-7.5-10. Insufficient Pension Fund; Estimates; Statement; Tax Levy

36-8-7.5-10.5. Use of Certain Amounts in 1953 Fund

36-8-7.5-11. Investments of Local Board

36-8-7.5-12. Voluntary Retirement Pension; Emergency Services

36-8-7.5-12.5. Reemployment After Retirement

36-8-7.5-13. Disability Retirement; Benefits; Procedure for Determination of Disability and Reinstatement; Period of Disability Credited

36-8-7.5-13.2. Determination Whether Disability in Line of Duty

36-8-7.5-13.6. Members Dying Other Than in Line of Duty

36-8-7.5-13.7. Members Dying in Line of Duty Before September 1, 1982

36-8-7.5-13.8. Death Benefits Paid to Beneficiary or Estate of Member

36-8-7.5-13.9. Repealed

36-8-7.5-14. Repealed

36-8-7.5-14.1. Members Dying in Line of Duty After August 31, 1982

36-8-7.5-15. Necessity of Application; Dismissed Member of Police Department

36-8-7.5-16. Reduction in Monthly Pension

36-8-7.5-17. Payments to Dependent Children or Mentally Incompetent Persons; Benefits Where Member Dies Before Payments Are Made; Payments Where Member Is Entitled to Part Salary; Reentry Into Active Service

36-8-7.5-18. Application for Benefits Other Than for Disability or Voluntary Retirement After 20 Years

36-8-7.5-19. Benefits Exempted From Legal Process; Reimbursement of Employers; Withholding Payments While Charges of Criminal Taking From Employer Pending

36-8-7.5-20. Benefits Paid Contrary to Law; Recovery of Pension

36-8-7.5-21. Remuneration or Allowances Not to Be Used in Computation of Benefits

36-8-7.5-22. Special Lump Sum Death Benefit in Addition to Other Benefits

36-8-7.5-23. Rollover to Eligible Retirement Plan