Indiana Code
Chapter 24. Vehicular Carbon Monoxide Testing
36-8-24-4. Testing Procedure

Sec. 4. A test administrator conducting vehicular carbon monoxide testing for the owner of a motor vehicle shall do the following for each vehicular carbon monoxide test performed:
(1) Instruct the owner of the motor vehicle to:
(A) park the motor vehicle in an open air location;
(B) place the transmission in park;
(C) leave the engine running;
(D) set the motor vehicle's heater to its lowest activation setting; and
(E) completely close every window, sunroof, door, and trunk of the motor vehicle.
(2) Place a direct read instrument on the floorboard of the motor vehicle with the screen of the direct read instrument visible to the test administrator through a closed window of the test administrator's choosing.
(3) Verify that every window, sunroof, door, and trunk of the motor vehicle is completely closed.
(4) Record on the form described in section 5 of this chapter the numeric reading displayed by the direct read instrument five (5) minutes after the verification required under subdivision (3).
(5) Instruct the owner of the motor vehicle to set the motor vehicle's air conditioner to its lowest activation setting.
(6) Verify that every window, sunroof, door, and trunk of the motor vehicle is completely closed.
(7) Record on the form described in section 5 of this chapter the numeric reading displayed by the direct read instrument five (5) minutes after the verification required under subdivision (6).
(8) Inform the owner of the motor vehicle of the specific readings displayed by the direct read instrument during the course of the vehicular carbon monoxide test.
(9) Advise the owner of the motor vehicle that a reading equal to or greater than thirty-five (35) ppm exceeds the accepted NIOSH TWA standard for carbon monoxide.
(10) Recommend, as applicable, to the owner of a motor vehicle with a direct read instrument reading equal to or greater than thirty-five (35) ppm but less than one hundred (100) ppm to have the motor vehicle serviced by the owner's mechanic or exhaust system specialist of choice.
(11) Recommend, as applicable, to the owner of a motor vehicle with a direct read instrument reading equal to or greater than one hundred (100) ppm to cease use and operation of the motor vehicle immediately.
(12) Complete all remaining entries on the form described in section 5 of this chapter.
(13) Review the completed form described in subdivision (12) with the owner of the motor vehicle.
(14) Instruct the owner of the motor vehicle to print the owner's name and sign the completed form described in subdivision (13).
(15) Provide the owner of the motor vehicle with a copy of the completed and signed form described in subdivision (14).
(16) Maintain, in a manner consistent with the record keeping practices of the fire department responsible for the administration of the vehicular carbon monoxide test, a permanent record of the completed and signed form described in subdivision (14).
As added by P.L.8-2018, SEC.2.