Indiana Code
Chapter 15. Public Safety Communications Systems and Computer Facilities Districts
36-8-15-18. Counties Having Consolidated Cities; Special Property Tax; Disposition of Revenue; Public Communications Systems and Computer Facilities District Revenue Fund

Sec. 18. (a) This section applies to a county having a consolidated city.
(b) For the purpose of raising money to pay off bonds issued under section 15 of this chapter and any interest on them, the county fiscal body may levy each year a special tax upon all of the property located within the district, in such manner as to meet and pay the principal of the bonds as they severally mature, together with all accruing interest on them. Other revenues and funds may be annually allocated by statute or ordinance to be applied to reduction of the bonds and their interest for the next succeeding year, but to the extent that money on hand is insufficient for payments required in the next succeeding year, the special tax shall be levied.
(c) The tax collected and all other allocated money shall be accumulated and kept in a separate fund to be known as the public communications systems and computer facilities district revenue fund, and shall be applied to the payment of the district bonds and interest as they severally mature and fiscal agency charges for making such payments and to no other purposes. All accumulations may be deposited, at interest, with one (1) of the depositories of other funds of the consolidated city, and all interest collected belongs to the fund.
As added by P.L.82-1985, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.225-1986, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 15. Public Safety Communications Systems and Computer Facilities Districts

36-8-15-1. Application of Chapter

36-8-15-2. "Board" Defined

36-8-15-3. "Communications System" Defined

36-8-15-4. "Computer" Defined

36-8-15-5. "District" Defined

36-8-15-6. "Facility" Defined

36-8-15-7. Creation of District

36-8-15-8. Purposes

36-8-15-9. Governing Body; Powers; Establishment of a Public Safety Communications Commission

36-8-15-9.5. Combined or Shared Communications Systems

36-8-15-10. Resolution Stating Necessity and Purpose; Plans and Specifications; Estimated Cost

36-8-15-11. Resolution; Public Inspection; Notice

36-8-15-12. Objections; Hearing

36-8-15-13. Letting of Contracts; Modification of Projects

36-8-15-14. Special Benefit Tax

36-8-15-15. Bonds; Issuance; Amount

36-8-15-15.1. Lease of Facilities; Financing; Hearings; Notice; Objections

36-8-15-15.2. Persons Authorized to Lease Facilities

36-8-15-16. Bonds; Limitation on Total Issue; Nature of Bonds

36-8-15-17. Proceeds; Disposition; Public Communications Systems and Computer Facilities District Bond Fund

36-8-15-18. Counties Having Consolidated Cities; Special Property Tax; Disposition of Revenue; Public Communications Systems and Computer Facilities District Revenue Fund

36-8-15-19. Operational Funding; Ad Valorem Property Tax; Funding by Local Income Tax Distribution in Lieu of Property Tax; Election by Ordinance; Adjustment of Property Tax Limits; Reduction of Tax of Units Joining or Withdrawing From District