Sec. 27. (a) A fire protection district shall pay for the care of a full-time, paid firefighter who suffers:
(1) an injury; or
(2) contracts an illness;
during the performance of the firefighter's duties.
(b) The fire protection district shall pay for the following expenses incurred by a firefighter described in subsection (a):
(1) Medical and surgical care.
(2) Medicines and laboratory, curative, and palliative agents and means.
(3) X-ray, diagnostic, and therapeutic service, including service provided during the recovery period.
(4) Hospital and special nursing care if the physician or surgeon in charge considers it necessary for proper recovery.
(c) Expenditures required by subsection (a) shall be paid from the fund used by the fire protection district for payment of the costs attributable to providing fire protection services in the fire protection district.
(d) A fire protection district that has paid for the care of a firefighter under subsection (a) has a cause of action for reimbursement of the amount paid under subsection (a) against any third party against whom the firefighter has a cause of action for:
(1) an injury sustained because of; or
(2) an illness caused by;
the third party. The fire protection district's cause of action under this subsection is in addition to, and not instead of, the cause of action of the firefighter against the third party.
As added by P.L.150-2002, SEC.3.
Structure Indiana Code
Chapter 11. Fire Protection Districts
36-8-11-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter
36-8-11-4. Districts; Establishment; Authorized Purposes
36-8-11-5. Establishment of District by Freeholders; Procedure
36-8-11-5.1. Multiple County District; Establishment of District
36-8-11-6. Petitions; Signatures of Joint Owners and Corporations; Circulation in Counterparts
36-8-11-7. Contents of Petition to Establish District
36-8-11-9. Petition Against Establishment of District
36-8-11-9.5. Multiple County District; Petition Against Establishment of District
36-8-11-10. Limitation on Filing New Petition After Dismissal
36-8-11-11. Addition of Area to District; Procedure
36-8-11-12. Board of Fire Trustees; Appointment; Terms of Office; Vacancies
36-8-11-13. Trustees Meetings and Special Meetings
36-8-11-14. Trustees; Officers; Quorum; Approval of Actions; Compensation; Offices; Records
36-8-11-15. Trustees; Powers and Duties
36-8-11-16. Taxing District; District Considered Municipal Corporation
36-8-11-17. Bonds; Authorization
36-8-11-18. Annual Budget; Tax Levy
36-8-11-19. No Duplicate Tax Levies
36-8-11-20. Indebtedness Incurred Before Establishment of District
36-8-11-21. Disbanding Fire Department Not Required
36-8-11-22. Areas Annexed by Municipalities
36-8-11-22.1. Multiple County District; Board of Fire Trustees
36-8-11-23. Merger of Districts
36-8-11-24. Dissolution of Districts
36-8-11-26. Purchase of Firefighting Equipment on Installment Conditional Sale or Mortgage Contract
36-8-11-27. Payment of Line of Duty Health Care Expenses for Firefighters