Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Financing; Issuance of Bonds; Leases
36-7.6-4-1. Development Authority Fund; Accounts; Debt Service

Sec. 1. (a) A development board shall establish and administer a development authority fund.
(b) A development authority fund consists of the following:
(1) Amounts transferred under section 2 of this chapter by each county and municipality that is a member of the development authority.
(2) Amounts transferred to the fund by each county or municipality that is a member of the development authority, including any payments required under an interlocal agreement entered into under section 3(h) of this chapter. The transfers allowed by this subdivision may be made from any local revenue of the county or municipality, including property tax revenue, distributions, incentive payments, money deposited in the county's or municipality's local major moves construction fund under IC 8-14-16, money received by the county or municipality under a development agreement (as defined by IC 36-1-8-9.5), or any other local revenue that is not otherwise restricted by law or committed for the payment of other obligations.
(3) Appropriations, grants, or other distributions made to the fund by the state.
(4) Money received from the federal government.
(5) Gifts, contributions, donations, and private grants made to the fund.
(c) On the date a development authority issues bonds for any purpose under this article, which are secured in whole or in part by the development authority fund, the development board shall establish and administer two (2) accounts within the development authority fund. The accounts must be the general account and the lease rental account. After the accounts are established, all money transferred to the development authority fund under subsection (b)(1) shall be deposited in the lease rental account and used only for the payment of or to secure the payment of obligations of an eligible political subdivision under a lease entered into by the eligible political subdivision and the development authority under this chapter. However, any money deposited in the lease rental account and not used for the purposes of this subsection shall be returned by the secretary-treasurer of the development authority to the unit that contributed the money to the development authority.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), if the amount of all money transferred to a development authority fund under subsection (b)(1) for deposit in the lease rental account in any one (1) calendar year is greater than an amount equal to the product of:
(1) one and twenty-five hundredths (1.25); multiplied by
(2) the total of the highest annual debt service on any bonds then outstanding to their final maturity date, which have been issued under this article and are not secured by a lease, plus the highest annual lease payments on any leases to their final maturity, which are then in effect under this article;
then all or a part of the excess may instead be deposited in the general account.
(e) All other money and revenue of a development authority may be deposited in the general account or the lease rental account at the discretion of the development board. Money on deposit in the lease rental account may be used only to make rental payments on leases entered into by the development authority under this article. Money on deposit in the general account may be used for any purpose authorized by this article.
(f) A development authority fund shall be administered by the development authority that established the development authority fund.
(g) Money in a development authority fund shall be used by the development authority to carry out this article and does not revert to any other fund.
As added by P.L.232-2007, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.178-2015, SEC.20.