Indiana Code
Chapter 39. Northeast Indiana Strategic Development Commission
36-7-39-11. Commission Authority; Commission May Sue or Be Sued; Audit

Sec. 11. (a) The commission shall:
(1) accept grants, loans, and other forms of financial assistance from any source and disburse them for the purposes of the commission; and
(2) provide recommendations in matters related to the commission's purposes to political subdivisions in the development area.
(b) The commission may sue and be sued.
(c) The commission shall have an audit of its books and accounts made at least once in each year by a certified public accounting firm or the state board of accounts. If the audit is to be conducted by a certified public accounting firm, the firm may not be selected without a review of the firm's proposal and approval of the firm by the state board of accounts. The cost of the audit shall be considered an expense of the commission, and a copy of the audit shall be made available to the public.
As added by P.L.58-2021, SEC.1.