Indiana Code
Chapter 21. Special Improvement Districts for Redevelopment of Blighted Areas
36-7-21-4. Resolution Requesting Establishment of District; Contents

Sec. 4. In the resolution requesting the legislative body to establish a special improvement district, the redevelopment commission shall include the following information:
(1) A map of the boundaries of the proposed special improvement district, to include, if applicable, zone boundaries as prescribed by section 6 of this chapter.
(2) The name and address of each parcel and owner of land within the district and a description of the existing land use and zoning classification of each parcel.
(3) A detailed description of the proposed improvement its estimated cost, and the benefits expected to accrue to the property owners within the district.
(4) A plan for the application of assessment revenue to the cost of the project.
(5) A proposed apportionment of the annual assessment to the parcels of real property within the district, as prescribed by sections 5 and 6 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.380-1987(ss), SEC.20.