Indiana Code
Chapter 14. Redevelopment of Areas Needing Redevelopment Generally; Redevelopment Commissions
36-7-14-22.8. New Opportunity Area

Sec. 22.8. (a) This section applies only in Lake County as a pilot program to obtain experience with the method of disposing of real property set forth in this section.
(b) A redevelopment commission may establish a new opportunity area in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in this section. A redevelopment commission may dispose of property to which section 22.5 of this chapter applies as provided in this section if the property is located in a new opportunity area.
(c) A redevelopment commission may determine that the following findings apply to an area within the jurisdiction of the redevelopment commission:
(1) At least one-third (1/3) of the parcels in the area are vacant or abandoned, as determined under IC 36-7-37 or another statute.
(2) At least one-third (1/3) of the parcels in the area have at least one (1) of the following characteristics:
(A) The dwelling on the parcel is not permanently occupied.
(B) Two (2) or more property tax payments owed on the parcel are delinquent.
(3) None of the properties in the area have been annexed within the immediately preceding five (5) years over a remonstrance of a majority of the land owners within the annexed area.
(4) The area cannot be improved by the ordinary operation of private enterprise because of:
(A) the existence of conditions that lower the value of the land below that of nearby land; or
(B) other conditions similar to the conditions described in clause (A).
(5) Each of the parcels in the area are residential parcels that are less than one (1) acre in size.
(6) The property tax collection rate over the immediately preceding two (2) years has been less than sixty percent (60%).
(7) The sale of parcels that are held by the redevelopment commission and are located in the new opportunity area to individuals and other private entities will benefit the public health and welfare of the residents of the surrounding area and the area governed by the commission.
(d) Whenever a redevelopment commission makes the findings described in subsection (c), a redevelopment commission may adopt a resolution declaring the area to be a new opportunity area.
(e) After a redevelopment commission adopts a resolution declaring an area to be a new opportunity area, the redevelopment commission may dispose of properties to which section 22.5 of this chapter applies that are located in the new opportunity area by using the following procedure:
(1) The redevelopment commission shall give notice in accordance with IC 5-3-1 twice by publication, one (1) week apart, with the last publication occurring at least ten (10) days before the date on which the redevelopment commission intends to convene the meeting described in subdivision (2). The notice must include the following:
(A) The date, time, and place of the meeting described in subdivision (2).
(B) A description of each parcel to be offered for sale by parcel number and common address.
(C) A statement that the redevelopment commission:
(i) is accepting bids on the properties described under clause (B); and
(ii) intends to sell each property described under clause (B) to the highest responsible and responsive bidder.
(2) The redevelopment commission shall hold a meeting on the date and at the time and place specified in the notice described in subdivision (1) at which bids for the properties described in the notice shall be opened and read aloud. The redevelopment commission may thereafter sell each property to the highest responsible and responsive bidder.
(f) This section expires July 1, 2022.
As added by P.L.183-2016, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.257-2019, SEC.116.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 7. Planning and Development

Chapter 14. Redevelopment of Areas Needing Redevelopment Generally; Redevelopment Commissions

36-7-14-0.5. Definitions

36-7-14-1. Application of Chapter; Jurisdiction in Excluded Cities That Elect to Be Governed by This Chapter

36-7-14-1.3. Effect of Change of Reference From "Blighted, Deteriorated, or Deteriorating Area" to "Area Needing Redevelopment"

36-7-14-1.5. Applicability of Chapter to Fire Protection Districts

36-7-14-1.7. Applicability of Chapter to Fire Protection Territories

36-7-14-2. Declaration of Public Purpose; Opportunities for Redevelopment by Private Enterprise

36-7-14-2.5. Economic Development Areas; Public Functions, Uses, and Purposes; Approvals; Liberal Construction

36-7-14-3. Redevelopment Departments and Commissions; Creation; Taxing Districts; Oversight

36-7-14-3.1. Electronic Meetings

36-7-14-3.5. Annexation of Area in County; Redevelopment Districts; Property Tax Proceeds; Outstanding Obligations; Special Tax

36-7-14-3.7. Transfer of Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Development Areas; Requirements

36-7-14-4. Repealed

36-7-14-5. Repealed

36-7-14-6. Repealed

36-7-14-6.1. Commissioners; Appointment; Nonvoting Adviser

36-7-14-7. Commissioners; Terms of Office; Vacancies; Oaths; Bonds; Qualifications; Reimbursement for Expenses; Compensation

36-7-14-7.1. Repealed

36-7-14-8. Meetings; Officers; Rules; Quorum; Treasurer Disbursements Before Commission Approval; Accounting for Redevelopment Commission Funds; Short Term Borrowing by Unit

36-7-14-9. Commissioners; Removal From Office

36-7-14-10. Commissioners and Nonvoting Advisers; Pecuniary Interests in Property and Transactions

36-7-14-11. Duties of Commission

36-7-14-12. Repealed

36-7-14-12.1. Repealed

36-7-14-12.2. Powers of Commission

36-7-14-12.3. Repealed

36-7-14-12.4. Ownership Prohibition Regarding Single Family Dwellings

36-7-14-13. Annual Reports; Contents; Subject to Laws of General Nature

36-7-14-14. Contracts to Perform Powers and Duties

36-7-14-15. Data Concerning Areas in Need of Redevelopment; Declaratory Resolution; Amendment to Resolution or Plan; Approval

36-7-14-15.5. Redevelopment Project Areas in Certain Counties; Inclusion of Additional Areas Outside Boundaries

36-7-14-15.8. Repealed

36-7-14-16. Approval of Resolutions and Plans by Unit

36-7-14-17. Notice and Hearing

36-7-14-17.5. Notice and Hearing; Amendment of Resolution or Plan; Procedure

36-7-14-18. Appeals

36-7-14-19. Acquisition of Real Property; Procedure; Approval

36-7-14-19.5. Requirements for Redevelopment Commission Purchases of Distressed Properties From Willing Sellers

36-7-14-20. Eminent Domain; Procedure; Legislative Body Resolution

36-7-14-21. Commission Authority in Redevelopment Area

36-7-14-22. Public Sale or Lease of Real Property; Procedure

36-7-14-22.1. Repealed

36-7-14-22.2. Sale or Grant of Real Property to Urban Enterprise Association or Community Development Corporation; Procedure

36-7-14-22.5. Additional Commission Powers Concerning Real Property; Public Meeting

36-7-14-22.6. "Abutting Landowner"; "Offering Price"; Sale to Abutting Landowner; Appraisal

36-7-14-22.7. Disposal of Real Property; Appraisal

36-7-14-22.8. New Opportunity Area

36-7-14-23. Unit Officers; Duties Regarding Department Funds

36-7-14-24. Payment of Expenses Incurred Before Tax Levy; Procedure

36-7-14-25. Repealed

36-7-14-25.1. Issuance of Bonds; Procedure; Tax Exemption; Limitations; Indebtedness of Taxing District; Legislative Body Approval

36-7-14-25.2. Leased Facilities; Procedure; Fiscal Body Approval

36-7-14-25.3. Lessors of Redevelopment Facilities; Effect of Other Statutory Provisions

36-7-14-25.5. Payment of Redevelopment Bonds or Leases; Pledge or Covenant of Legislative Body

36-7-14-26. Capital Fund; Deposits; Gifts; Allocation Fund

36-7-14-27. Certain Bonds or Leases; Special Tax Levy; Legislative Body Approval; Disposition of Accumulated Revenues; Review of Sufficiency of Levies

36-7-14-27.5. Tax Anticipation Warrants; Authorization; Procedure; Legislative Body Approval

36-7-14-28. Tax Levy for Planning, Property Acquisition, and Expenses; Deposit in Capital and General Funds

36-7-14-29. Payments From Funds; Procedure

36-7-14-30. Urban Renewal Projects; Authorization

36-7-14-31. Urban Renewal Plans

36-7-14-32. Urban Renewal Projects; Powers and Duties of Commissions; Units and Officers

36-7-14-32.5. Repealed

36-7-14-33. Urban Renewal Projects; Cooperation With Public Entities

36-7-14-34. Preparation of Urban Rehabilitation Programs

36-7-14-35. Federal Aid; Issuance of Bonds, Notes, and Warrants to Federal Government; Federal Loan Agreements as Security for Other Loans; Approval of Fiscal Body

36-7-14-35.1. Repealed

36-7-14-36. Neighborhood Development Programs; Authorization; Procedure; Federal Aid

36-7-14-37. Redevelopment Districts and Departments; Tax Exemptions

36-7-14-38. Repealed

36-7-14-39. Distribution and Allocation of Taxes; Allocation Area; Base Assessed Value Determinations; Allocation of Excess Assessed Value

36-7-14-39.1. Repealed

36-7-14-39.2. Designated Taxpayer; Modification of Definition of Property Taxes; Allocation Provision of Declaratory Resolution

36-7-14-39.3. Definitions; Legalization of Certain Declaratory Resolutions and Actions of Redevelopment Commissions; Effect of Certain Amendments to Section

36-7-14-39.5. Repealed

36-7-14-39.6. Authorization to Enter Into an Agreement With a Taxpayer for Waiver of Review of an Assessment of Property Taxes in an Allocation Area During the Term of Bonds or Lease Obligations Payable From Allocated Property Taxes

36-7-14-40. Violations; Penalties

36-7-14-41. Economic Development Area; Determination; Enlargement

36-7-14-42. Repealed

36-7-14-43. Rights, Powers, Privileges, and Immunities Exercisable by Commission in Economic Development Area; Fiscal or Legislative Body Authorization; Conditions

36-7-14-44. Military Base Reuse Area

36-7-14-44.2. Repealed

36-7-14-45. Establishment of Program for Housing; Notices; Conditions

36-7-14-46. Commission Authority in Program for Housing

36-7-14-47. Commission Findings Required; Contents

36-7-14-48. Allocation of Property Taxes; Fund; Use; Credit Calculation; Limitation on Distribution of Fund; Excess Assessed Valuation Calculation

36-7-14-49. Program for Age-Restricted Housing

36-7-14-50. Powers of Commission in Implementing Age-Restricted Housing Program

36-7-14-51. Findings for Age-Restricted Housing Program

36-7-14-52. "Base Assessed Value"; Allocation of Taxes for Age-Restricted Housing Program; Use of Taxes; Allocation of Excess Assessed Value

36-7-14-53. Residential Housing Development Program; Authorization; Procedures

36-7-14-54. Residential Housing Development Program; Powers; Restrictions

36-7-14-55. Residential Housing Development Program; Required Findings

36-7-14-56. Residential Housing Development Program; Allocation Area

36-7-14-57. Allocation Area Limitation