Indiana Code
Chapter 12. Economic Development and Pollution Control
36-7-12-14. Removal of Commissioners From Office

Sec. 14. An economic development commissioner may be removed from office for neglect of duty, incompetency, inability to perform the commissioner's duties, or any other good cause, by the executive or fiscal body that selected or nominated the commissioner. The commissioner removed may obtain judicial review of the removal by filing a complaint in a circuit or superior court in the county, and the burden of proof is upon the executive or fiscal body that removed the commissioner. The cause shall be placed on the advanced calendar and be tried as other civil causes are tried by the court, without a jury. The court's judgment may be appealed in the same manner as any civil action.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 18-6-4.5-8.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.31. Amended by P.L.127-2017, SEC.196.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 7. Planning and Development

Chapter 12. Economic Development and Pollution Control

36-7-12-1. Application of Chapter

36-7-12-2. Repealed

36-7-12-3. Declaration of Public Purpose

36-7-12-4. Economic Development Departments and Commissions; Creation

36-7-12-5. Second and Third Class Cities; Commission Members; Appointment; Terms of Office

36-7-12-6. Towns; Commission Members; Appointment; Terms of Office

36-7-12-7. Counties; Commission Members; Appointment; Terms of Office

36-7-12-8. Consolidated Cities; Commission Members; Appointment; Terms of Office

36-7-12-9. Commissioners; Selection and Nomination; Successors in Office

36-7-12-10. Commissioners; Failure to Nominate; Vacancies

36-7-12-11. Commissioners; Oaths; Certificates of Appointment

36-7-12-12. Organizational Meetings; Officers

36-7-12-13. Commissions; Rules; Meetings; Quorum; Approval of Actions; Records

36-7-12-14. Removal of Commissioners From Office

36-7-12-15. Commissioners; Expenses and per Diem

36-7-12-16. Pecuniary Interest of Commissioner in Matters Considered by Commission

36-7-12-17. Commissions; Investigatory Duties

36-7-12-18. Powers of Units

36-7-12-18.5. Bonding Powers

36-7-12-19. Special Tax Levy; Transfer of Money to Department of Economic Development; Adoption and Submission of Proposed Budget

36-7-12-20. Use of Funds; Procedures for Letting Contracts; Employees' Bonds

36-7-12-21. Negotiation of Financing Terms; Adverse Competitive Effect Studies; Preliminary Expenses

36-7-12-22. Applicability of Zoning Laws; Consent Necessary for Financing of Facilities

36-7-12-23. Evaluative Report; Exception

36-7-12-24. Hearing on Proposed Financing of Facilities; Approval by Commission

36-7-12-25. Approval of Proposed Financing by Unit; Authorization Bond Issuance; Approval of Changes

36-7-12-26. Financing Agreements; Terms

36-7-12-27. Bonds, Notes, or Warrants; Issuance; Terms and Procedure; Findings of Fact Concerning Coal Gasification Powerplant

36-7-12-27.5. Legal Representation of Commission; Conflict of Interest; Offense

36-7-12-28. Trust Indentures Securing Bonds

36-7-12-29. Application of Bond Proceeds

36-7-12-30. Refunding Bonds

36-7-12-31. Bonds, Notes, Warrants, Proceeds, and Interest; Exemption From State Taxes

36-7-12-32. Repealed

36-7-12-32.1. Exemption From Securities Registration

36-7-12-33. Property Taxes; Liability and Exemptions

36-7-12-34. Payments Received by Units; Exemption From Tax

36-7-12-35. Responsibility for Construction Approval

36-7-12-36. Commissions; Annual Reports

36-7-12-37. Repealed

36-7-12-38. Repealed

36-7-12-39. Validation of Prior Authorized Bonds