Sec. 10. A township trustee, with the approval of the township legislative body, may amend a plan to:
(1) provide money for the purposes of a capital improvement fund; or
(2) supplement money accumulated in a capital improvement fund for the purposes of the capital improvement fund.
As added by P.L.129-2019, SEC.4.
Structure Indiana Code
Article 6. Government of Townships
Chapter 9. Township Capital Improvement Plan
36-6-9-1. Applicability of Chapter
36-6-9-2. "Capital Improvement"
36-6-9-3. "Capital Improvement Fund"
36-6-9-5. Townships Required to Adopt Plan
36-6-9-6. Procedure for Plan Adoption
36-6-9-7. Deadline for Plan Adoption
36-6-9-8. Failure to Adopt a Plan
36-6-9-10. Amending a Plan
36-6-9-11. County Fiscal Body Consideration of Plan in Reviewing Township Budget