Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Fiscal Administration
36-2-6-18. Loans; Bonds; Tax Anticipation Warrants; Deficits; Requirements for Incurring Debt

Sec. 18. (a) The county fiscal body may, by ordinance:
(1) make loans for the purpose of procuring money to be used in the exercise of county powers and for the payment of county debts other than current running expenses, and, subject to IC 5-1-11.5 and IC 5-11-1-4(c), issue bonds or other county obligations to refund those loans;
(2) make temporary loans to meet current running expenses, in anticipation of and not in excess of county revenues for the current fiscal year, which shall be evidenced by tax anticipation warrants of the county; and
(3) make loans and issue notes under subsection (d).
(b) An ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds under this section must state the purpose for which the bonds are issued and may provide that the bonds:
(1) are or are not negotiable;
(2) bear interest at any rate;
(3) run not longer than twenty (20) years; and
(4) mature by installments payable annually or otherwise.
(c) An ordinance authorizing the issuance of tax anticipation warrants under this section must:
(1) state the total amount of the issue;
(2) state the denomination of the warrants;
(3) state the time and place payable;
(4) state the rate of interest;
(5) state the funds and revenues in anticipation of which the warrants are issued and out of which they are payable; and
(6) appropriate and pledge a sufficient amount of those revenues to the punctual payment of the warrants.
The warrants are exempt from taxation for all purposes.
(d) The county fiscal body may, by ordinance, make loans of money for not more than five (5) years and issue notes for the purpose of refunding those loans. The loans may be made only for the purpose of procuring money to be used in the exercise of the powers of the county, and the total amount of outstanding loans under this subsection may not exceed five percent (5%) of the county's total tax levy in the current year (excluding amounts levied to pay debt service and lease rentals). Loans under this subsection shall be made in the same manner as loans made under subsection (a)(1), except that:
(1) the ordinance authorizing the loans must pledge to their payment a sufficient amount of tax revenues over the ensuing five (5) years to provide for refunding the loans;
(2) the loans must be evidenced by notes of the county in terms designating the nature of the consideration, the time and place payable, and the revenues out of which they will be payable; and
(3) the interest accruing on the notes to the date of maturity may be added to and included in their face value or be made payable periodically, as provided in the ordinance.
Notes issued under this subsection are not bonded indebtedness for purposes of IC 6-1.1-18.5.
(e) If a deficit is incurred for the current running expenses of the county because the total of county revenues for the fiscal year is less than the anticipated total, the county fiscal body shall provide for the deficit in the next county tax levy.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citations: 17-1-24-31; 17-3-79-1 part.]
As added by Acts 1980, P.L.212, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.37-1988, SEC.21; P.L.184-2015, SEC.14; P.L.244-2017, SEC.125.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 2. Government of Counties Generally

Chapter 6. Fiscal Administration

36-2-6-1. Application of Chapter

36-2-6-2. Claims Against County; Procedure

36-2-6-3. Inapplicability of Section to Certain Claims; Publication of Court Allowances; Payments in Violation; Offense

36-2-6-4. Allowance and Payment of Claims; Requirements; Violation; Offense; Action to Recover Illegal Allowance

36-2-6-4.5. Claim Payments in Advance of Board Allowance

36-2-6-5. Supplies; Review of Invoice and Certification; Approval of Claim on Contract; Allowance for Printing of Stationery

36-2-6-6. Claim for Work on Contract; Certification of Supervisor; Allowance

36-2-6-7. Payment of Claims; Warrants; Requirements

36-2-6-8. Prohibited Allowances; Exception; Allowances to Certain Officers; Violation; Offense

36-2-6-9. Appeal of Decision by County Executive by Aggrieved Person; Procedure

36-2-6-10. Judgments Obligating County to Exceed Its Appropriation

36-2-6-11. Charge of Claim Against Appropriation; Apportionment

36-2-6-12. Drawing of Warrant on County Treasury; Notification of Depletion of Treasury; Liability of County Treasurer or County Officer; Void Agreements

36-2-6-13. Recovery of Payments in Violation of Article

36-2-6-14. Money Received for Taxes; Record; Certification of Gross Amount Received

36-2-6-14.5. Special Assessment Required to Be Certified to County Auditor

36-2-6-15. Settlement Made by County Executive With County, Township, or School Officer; Overpayment

36-2-6-16. Repealed

36-2-6-17. Purchase of Supplies for County Institutions

36-2-6-18. Loans; Bonds; Tax Anticipation Warrants; Deficits; Requirements for Incurring Debt

36-2-6-19. Bonds or Tax Anticipation Warrants; Sale; Bidding; Notice; Disclosures

36-2-6-20. Issuance of Bonds, Notes, or Warrants; Requirements; Disposition of Proceeds and Delivery of Instruments

36-2-6-21. Repealed

36-2-6-23. Definitions; "Pilots"; Adoption of Ordinance; Calculation; Imposition; Distribution; Due Date