Indiana Code
Chapter 3.5. Division of Powers of Certain Counties
36-2-3.5-4. Executive Powers and Duties

Sec. 4. (a) All powers and duties of the county that are executive or administrative in nature shall be exercised or performed by its executive, except to the extent that these powers and duties are expressly assigned to other elected officers.
(b) The executive shall:
(1) report the state of the county annually before March 1 to the county legislative body and to the people of the county;
(2) recommend annually before March 1 to the legislative body whatever action or program it considers necessary for the improvement of the county and the welfare of its residents;
(3) submit to the legislative body an annual budget in accordance with IC 36-2-5;
(4) establish the procedures to be followed by all county departments, offices, and agencies under its jurisdiction to the extent these procedures are not expressly assigned to other elected officers;
(5) administer all statutes applicable to the county, and its ordinances and regulations, to the extent these matters are not expressly assigned to other elected officers;
(6) supervise the care and custody of all county property;
(7) supervise the collection of revenues and control all disbursements and expenditures, and prepare a complete account of all expenditures, to the extent these matters are not expressly assigned to other elected officers;
(8) review, analyze, and forecast trends for county services and finances, and programs of all county governmental entities, and report and recommend on these to the legislative body by March 15 each year;
(9) negotiate contracts for the county;
(10) make recommendations concerning the nature and location of county improvements, and provide for the execution of those improvements;
(11) supervise county administrative offices except for the offices of elected officers; and
(12) perform other duties and functions that are imposed on it by statute or ordinance.
(c) The executive may:
(1) order any agency under its jurisdiction to undertake any task for any other agency under its jurisdiction on a temporary basis, if necessary for the proper and efficient administration of county government;
(2) approve or veto ordinances passed by the legislative body, in the manner prescribed by IC 36-2-4-8; and
(3) establish and administer centralized budgeting, centralized personnel selection, and centralized purchasing.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 17-1-28-3 part.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.11, SEC.147.