Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Reorganization by Referendum
36-1.5-4-39.5. Reorganization Plan

Sec. 39.5. A plan of reorganization may establish within a reorganized political subdivision territories or districts:
(1) in which specified services provided by the reorganized political subdivision will be provided at different levels, quantities, or amounts; and
(2) in which the fees, charges, or taxes imposed by the reorganized political subdivision will vary depending on the level, quantity, or amount of the services provided.
As added by P.L.202-2013, SEC.24.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 1.5. Government Modernization

Chapter 4. Reorganization by Referendum

36-1.5-4-1. Types of Reorganizations Authorized; Political Subdivisions Not Participating in Reorganization

36-1.5-4-2. Adjacent Political Subdivisions

36-1.5-4-3. Types of Reorganization

36-1.5-4-4. Powers of Political Subdivisions in an Approved Reorganization

36-1.5-4-5. Effective Date of Reorganization

36-1.5-4-6. Results of Reorganization

36-1.5-4-7. Budgets, Tax Rates, and Tax Levies; Deadline for Certification; Election Districts

36-1.5-4-8. Authority of Department of Local Government Finance to Prescribe Forms

36-1.5-4-9. Initiation of Reorganization

36-1.5-4-10. Initiation of Reorganization by Legislative Body

36-1.5-4-11. Initiation of Reorganization by Voters

36-1.5-4-12. Action by Legislative Body on Proposed Reorganization; Hearing

36-1.5-4-13. Action by Legislative Body Receiving Resolution on Proposed Reorganization From Another Political Subdivision; Hearing

36-1.5-4-14. Revision of Resolutions

36-1.5-4-15. Repealed

36-1.5-4-16. Repealed

36-1.5-4-17. Repealed

36-1.5-4-18. Preparation of Reorganization Plan; Required Elements

36-1.5-4-19. Consideration of Reorganization Plan by Legislative Bodies

36-1.5-4-20. Actions by Legislative Bodies on Reorganization Plan

36-1.5-4-21. Modifications to Reorganization Plan

36-1.5-4-22. Action by Legislative Bodies on Revised Reorganization Plan

36-1.5-4-23. Certification by Legislative Bodies of Final Action

36-1.5-4-23.5. Failure to Adopt Reorganization Plan; Petition Requesting a Public Question

36-1.5-4-24. Filing of Reorganization Plan

36-1.5-4-25. Recording of Certifications and Reorganization Plan by County Recorder

36-1.5-4-26. Notification of County Election Board Upon Receipt of Certifications From All Reorganizing Political Subdivisions

36-1.5-4-27. County Election Board Preparing Ballot Language; Submission of Language to Department of Local Government Finance

36-1.5-4-27.5. Certification of Resolution to Rescind Plan of Reorganization

36-1.5-4-28. Form of Public Question; Approval by Department of Local Government Finance; Certification of Public Question; Placing Public Question on Ballot

36-1.5-4-29. Application of Ic 3

36-1.5-4-30. Certification by Circuit Court Clerk of Results of Public Question

36-1.5-4-31. Recording of Certification From Circuit Court Clerk

36-1.5-4-32. Approval of Public Question

36-1.5-4-33. Termination of Reorganization if Public Question Not Approved

36-1.5-4-34. Reorganization According to Reorganization Plan if Public Question Approved

36-1.5-4-34.5. Establishment of Equipment Replacement Funds

36-1.5-4-35. Appointment of Town Precinct Boards

36-1.5-4-36. Initial Election of Officials of Reorganized Political Subdivision

36-1.5-4-37. Change of Boundaries

36-1.5-4-38. Powers of Reorganized Political Subdivision

36-1.5-4-39. Exercise of Powers of Reorganizing Political Subdivisions

36-1.5-4-39.5. Reorganization Plan

36-1.5-4-40. Debt; Pension Obligations

36-1.5-4-40.5. Reorganization of a Township and Another Political Subdivision; Powers and Duties; Remonstrance; Borrowing; Tax Levies

36-1.5-4-41. Pension Fund Membership

36-1.5-4-42. Transfer of Functions of Elected Office

36-1.5-4-43. Termination of Reorganization; Restoration of Reorganizing Political Subdivisions

36-1.5-4-44. Reorganized Political Subdivision

36-1.5-4-45. Actions Prohibited While Reorganization Pending

36-1.5-4-46. Promoting Position on Public Question Prohibited