Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Rates and Charges
36-11-9-5. Publication of Proposed Rates and Charges; Adjournment of Hearing

Sec. 5. After introduction of the ordinance initially fixing rates and charges but before the ordinance is finally adopted, notice of the hearing setting forth the proposed schedule of the rates and charges must be given by publication one (1) time each week for two (2) weeks:
(1) with each publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county; or
(2) with the first publication of notice in a newspaper described in subdivision (1) and the second publication of notice:
(A) in accordance with IC 5-3-5; and
(B) on the official web site of the county.
The second publication must be at least seven (7) days before the date fixed in the notice for the hearing. The hearing may be adjourned as necessary.
As added by P.L.161-2002, SEC.2 and P.L.172-2002, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.152-2021, SEC.43.