Indiana Code
Chapter 29.5. Workforce Retention and Recruitment Program and Fund
36-1-29.5-14. Annual Report

Sec. 14. (a) Not later than April 15 of each year, the workforce fund managers shall file with the executive of the unit and fiscal body of the unit a report setting out their activities during the preceding calendar year.
(b) The report of the workforce fund managers under this section must show:
(1) the names of the then qualified and acting workforce fund managers;
(2) the amount of the expenditures made during the preceding year and their general purpose;
(3) the amount of funds on hand at the close of the calendar year; and
(4) other information deemed necessary to disclose the activities of the workforce fund managers and the results obtained.
(c) Not later than April 15 of each year, a copy of each report under this section must be submitted to the department of local government finance in an electronic format specified by the department of local government finance.
As added by P.L.135-2022, SEC.22.