Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Arson, Mischief, and Tampering
35-43-1-8. Offense Against Computer Users

Sec. 8. (a) A person who knowingly or intentionally and who without authorization:
(1) disrupts, denies, or causes the disruption or denial of computer system services to an authorized user of the computer system services that are:
(A) owned by;
(B) under contract to; or
(C) operated for, on behalf of, or in conjunction with;
another person in whole or part;
(2) destroys, takes, or damages equipment or supplies used or intended to be used in a computer, computer system, or computer network;
(3) destroys or damages a computer, computer system, or computer network; or
(4) introduces a computer contaminant into a computer, computer system, or computer network;
commits an offense against computer users, a Level 6 felony.
(b) However, the offense is:
(1) a Level 5 felony if:
(A) the pecuniary loss caused by the offense is at least seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) but less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000);
(B) the offense was committed for the purpose of devising or executing any scheme or artifice to defraud or obtain property; or
(C) the offense interrupts or impairs:
(i) a governmental operation; or
(ii) the public communication, transportation, or supply of water, gas, or another public service; and
(2) a Level 4 felony if:
(A) the pecuniary loss caused by the offense is at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000); or
(B) the offense endangers human life.
(c) In addition to any criminal penalties imposed for a violation of this section, a person who commits an offense described in subsection (b) commits a deceptive act that is actionable by the attorney general under IC 24-5-0.5 and is subject to the remedies and penalties under IC 24-5-0.5.
As added by P.L.158-2013, SEC.459. Amended by P.L.153-2017, SEC.10.