Indiana Code
Chapter 8.5. Bail and Recognizance
35-33-8.5-9. Liens; Real Estate; Release

Sec. 9. All recognizances, taken to secure the appearance of a defendant in the circuit court to answer a criminal charge, shall be immediately recorded by the clerk of said court in the order book and entered in the judgment docket of said court, and from the date of such recording and entry such recognizance shall be a lien upon all the real estate in such county owned by the several obligors. If the real estate owned by any one or more of said obligors be situated in any county or counties of the state of Indiana, other than that in which such prosecution is pending, it shall then be the duty of the clerk of the court where said action is pending, upon order of such court and as such court may direct, to immediately transmit to the clerk of the circuit court of the county, or counties, where said real estate is situated, a certified copy of said recognizance, and the clerk or clerks, to whom such copies are so certified, shall immediately, upon receipt thereof, record the same and enter them upon the judgment docket of the circuit court of such county, in the same manner as required of the clerk of the court wherein said cause is pending, and the same shall become a lien upon all the real estate in such county, or counties, owned by any one or more of said obligors, in the same manner and to the same extent as if said lands were situated in the county where said cause is pending. The clerk to whom such document is transmitted shall be entitled to charge and collect the sum of one dollar ($1) for the services herein required of the clerk, which sum shall be paid by the defendant or the defendant's obligors, and which shall accompany said certified copy. Upon the final determination of said cause and the full and complete compliance with all of the requirements and conditions of said recognizance upon the part of the defendant, the court wherein said cause was determined shall order the release of all liens created by said recognizance as herein provided, and the clerk of said court shall transmit to the clerk of the circuit court of each county wherein said lien may have been recorded, as herein provided, and such order when recorded in any of said counties shall operate as a full and complete release thereof as to all lands of such obligors situated in any such county. The fee of any clerk for recording any such release shall be fifty cents ($0.50), which fee shall be paid by the obligor whose lands are thereby affected, and shall accompany the copy of such order when transmitted by the clerk of said court. Judgments, if any, rendered as in this article provided, in the event of the forfeiture of any recognizance bond affected by this article, shall bind and be a lien upon all the real estate of the principal and sureties, within the county in which such judgment is rendered, from the date of such entry and recording of such recognizance in the clerk's office, the date of which lien shall be stated in such judgment of the court. A transcript of such judgment shall also be filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of each other county, if any, where such recognizance may have been recorded as herein provided, and when so recorded shall be a lien upon all the lands of any obligor therein situated, from the date of the recording of such recognizance bond, in like manner as in the county of original jurisdiction, as herein provided, and shall be without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Should such surety be relieved from liability from such bond as by law provided, such clerk shall proceed to release from the lien provided herein all the surety's such real estate as though such case had been completed and the case finally determined.
As added by P.L.5-1988, SEC.180.