Indiana Code
Chapter 1. General Purpose
35-32-1-1. Construction of Title

Sec. 1. This title shall be construed in accordance with its general purposes, to:
(1) secure simplicity in procedure;
(2) insure fairness of administration including the elimination of unjustifiable delay;
(3) insure the effective apprehension and trial of persons accused of offenses;
(4) provide for the just determination of every criminal proceeding by a fair and impartial trial and adequate review;
(5) reduce crime by promoting the use of evidence based best practices for rehabilitation of offenders in a community setting;
(6) keep dangerous offenders in prison by avoiding the use of scarce prison space for nonviolent offenders;
(7) give judges maximum discretion to impose sentences based on a consideration of all the circumstances related to the offense;
(8) maintain proportionality of penalties across the criminal code, with like sentences for like crimes;
(9) make the lengths of sentences served by offenders more certain for victims; and
(10) preserve the public welfare and secure the fundamental rights of individuals.
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.298, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.168-2014, SEC.52.