Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Time Shares and Camping Clubs
32-32-3-12. Required Disclosures

Sec. 12. (a) A developer, or exchange company if the exchange company is dealing directly with the participants or camping club members, that offers a program for the exchange of occupancy rights among time share participants or camping club members or with the purchasers or members in other time share or camping club projects, or both, shall give in writing to the camping club members or time share participants the following information:
(1) The name and address of the exchange company offering the exchange program.
(2) A statement indicating whether the exchange company or any of its officers or directors has any legal or beneficial interest in any interest of the developer or managing agent in any plan to sell time shares or camping club memberships included in the program and, if so, the name, location, and nature of the interest.
(3) A statement that the time share participant's or camping club member's contract with the exchange company is a contract separate and distinct from the contract to purchase the time share or camping club membership, unless the exchange company and the developer or an affiliate of the developer are the same.
(4) A statement indicating whether the participant's or member's participation in the exchange project is dependent upon the continued inclusion of the plan to sell time shares or camping club memberships in the program.
(5) A statement indicating whether the purchaser's or member's membership or participation in the exchange program is voluntary or mandatory.
(6) A complete and accurate description of the following:
(A) The terms and conditions of the purchaser's contractual relationship with the company and the procedure by which changes in the contractual relationship and may be made.
(B) The procedure to qualify for and make exchanges.
(C) All limitations, restrictions, and priorities of the program, including limitations on exchanges based on the seasons of the year, the size of units, or levels of occupancy. The written description of the limitations, restrictions, and priorities given under this clause must be printed in boldface type and, if the limitations, restrictions, and priorities are not uniformly applied by the program, must include a clear description of the manner in which they are applied.
(7) A statement, which must be printed on all promotional brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, and other materials disseminated by the exchange company that indicate the percentage of confirmed exchanges, to the effect that:
(A) the percentage of confirmed exchanges is a summary of the requests for exchanges received by the exchange company in the most recent annual reporting period; and
(B) the percentage does not indicate the probability of a purchaser or members being confirmed to any specific choice since availability at individual locations may vary.
(8) A statement indicating whether exchanges are arranged on the basis of available space and whether there are any guarantees of fulfilling specific requests for exchanges.
(9) A statement indicating whether and under what circumstances a participant or member, in dealing with the exchange company, may lose the right to use and occupy a time share unit or camping site in any properly applied for exchange without being provided with substitute accommodations by the company.
(10) A statement of the fees to be paid by participants or members in the program, including a statement indicating whether any fees may be changed by the exchange company, and if so, the circumstances under which those changes may be made.
(11) The name and address of the site of each time share or camping club project included in the program.
(b) The information required by subsection (a) must be delivered to the camping club member or time share participant before the execution of:
(1) any contract between the camping club member or time share participant and the exchange company; or
(2) the contract to purchase the time share or camping club membership.
(c) Upon receipt of the information required by subsection (a), the camping club member or time share participant shall certify in writing that the member or participant has received the information from the developer.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the information required by subsection (a) must be accurate as of thirty (30) days before the date on which the information is delivered to the participant or member.
[Pre-2002 Recodification Citation: 24-5-9-33.]
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.17.