Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Resale of Insolvent Debtors' Real Estate
32-18-3-1. Sale of Real Estate by Receiver, Assignee, or Trustee Under Ic 32-18-1; Filing Bond to Secure Sale

Sec. 1. In a sale of real estate by:
(1) a receiver; or
(2) an assignee or trustee under IC 32-18-1;
a person may, before the confirmation of the sale by the proper court, file with the clerk of the court, or in open court, a bond in the sum sufficient to secure the sale. The surety for the bond must be approved by the clerk or the court.
[Pre-2002 Recodification Citation: 32-12-3-1 part.]
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.3.