Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Definitions
31-9-2-105. "Registering Tribunal"

Sec. 105. "Registering tribunal", for purposes of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act under IC 31-18.5, has the meaning set forth in IC 31-18.5-1-2.
[Pre-1997 Recodification Citations: 31-1.5-1-1 part; 31-1.5-1-17 part.]
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.206-2015, SEC.33.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 31. Family Law and Juvenile Law

Article 9. Definitions

Chapter 2. Definitions

31-9-2-0.2. Application of Certain Amendments to Prior Law

31-9-2-0.3. "Abandoned"

31-9-2-0.4. "Abandoned Child"

31-9-2-0.5. "Abandoned Infant"

31-9-2-0.7. "Account"

31-9-2-0.8. "Active Duty"

31-9-2-0.9. "Act of Rape"

31-9-2-1. "Actual Notice"

31-9-2-2. "Adoptee"

31-9-2-3. "Adoption"

31-9-2-4. "Adoption Assistance State"

31-9-2-5. "Adoption History"

31-9-2-5.5. "Adoption Subsidy"

31-9-2-6. "Adoptive Parent"

31-9-2-7. "Adult"

31-9-2-8. "Advisory Board"

31-9-2-8.5. "Age or Developmentally Appropriate"

31-9-2-9. "Alleged Father"

31-9-2-9.3. "Applicant"

31-9-2-9.4. "Application"

31-9-2-9.5. "Appropriate Public Authorities"

31-9-2-9.6. "Assessment"

31-9-2-9.7. "Assistance"

31-9-2-9.9. "At-Risk Child" or "At-Risk Children"

31-9-2-10. "Birth Parent"

31-9-2-10.3. "Blind"

31-9-2-10.6. "Board"

31-9-2-10.8. "Bureau"

31-9-2-10.9. Repealed

31-9-2-11. "Caseworker"

31-9-2-11.1. "Case"

31-9-2-12. "Center"

31-9-2-12.5. "Central Authority"

31-9-2-13. "Child"

31-9-2-14. "Child Abuse or Neglect"

31-9-2-14.5. "Child at Imminent Risk of Placement"

31-9-2-15. "Child Born in Wedlock"

31-9-2-16. "Child Born Out of Wedlock"

31-9-2-16.3. "Child Care"

31-9-2-16.4. "Child Caregiver"

31-9-2-16.5. "Child Care Provider"

31-9-2-16.7. "Child Caring Institution"

31-9-2-16.8. "Child Custody Determination"

31-9-2-16.9. "Child Custody Proceeding"

31-9-2-17. "Child in Need of Services"

31-9-2-17.5. "Child Placing Agency"

31-9-2-17.8. "Child Services"

31-9-2-18. "Child Support Guidelines"

31-9-2-19. "Child Support Order"

31-9-2-19.3. "Child Welfare Agency"

31-9-2-19.5. "Child Welfare Services"

31-9-2-19.6. "Child Welfare Program"

31-9-2-20. "Child With a Disability"

31-9-2-20.3. "Child With Special Needs"

31-9-2-20.5. "Commencement"

31-9-2-21. Repealed

31-9-2-22. "Compact"

31-9-2-22.1. "Concurrent Planning"

31-9-2-22.5. "Conduct a Criminal History Check"

31-9-2-23. Repealed

31-9-2-23.7. "Contact"

31-9-2-23.8. "Contact Preference Form"

31-9-2-24. "Controlled Substance"

31-9-2-24.2. "Convention"

31-9-2-24.3. "Convention Support Order"

31-9-2-24.5. "Costs of Secure Detention"

31-9-2-25. "Council"

31-9-2-26. Repealed

31-9-2-27. "Court"

31-9-2-28. "Court Appointed Special Advocate"

31-9-2-29. "Crime"

31-9-2-29.5. "Crime Involving Domestic or Family Violence"

31-9-2-29.7. Repealed

31-9-2-30. "Custodial Parent"

31-9-2-31. "Custodian"

31-9-2-32. Repealed

31-9-2-33. Repealed

31-9-2-34. Repealed

31-9-2-35. Repealed

31-9-2-35.5. "De Facto Custodian"

31-9-2-36. "Delinquent"

31-9-2-37. "Delinquent Child"

31-9-2-38. "Delinquent Juvenile"

31-9-2-38.5. "Department"

31-9-2-39. "Dependent Child" or "Neglected Child"

31-9-2-39.5. "Destitute Child"

31-9-2-39.7. "Detention Tool"

31-9-2-39.8. "Diagnostic Assessment"

31-9-2-40. "Director"

31-9-2-40.5. "Direct Request"

31-9-2-41. "Dissolution Decree"

31-9-2-41.2. Repealed

31-9-2-42. "Domestic or Family Violence"

31-9-2-42.3. "Drug or Alcohol Screen Test"

31-9-2-43. "Duty of Support"

31-9-2-43.2. "Early Intervention Advocate"

31-9-2-43.3. Repealed

31-9-2-43.5. "Emergency Medical Services Provider"

31-9-2-43.8. "Evaluator"

31-9-2-44. "Executive Authority"

31-9-2-44.1. "Exigent Circumstances"

31-9-2-44.3. Repealed

31-9-2-44.5. "Family or Household Member"

31-9-2-44.8. "Family Preservation Services"

31-9-2-45. "Family Services"

31-9-2-45.9. "Final Agency Action"

31-9-2-46. "Final Separation"

31-9-2-46.1. "Foreign Central Authority"

31-9-2-46.2. "Foreign Country"

31-9-2-46.3. "Foreign Support Agreement"

31-9-2-46.4. "Foreign Support Order"

31-9-2-46.5. "Financial Institution"

31-9-2-46.6. "Foreign Tribunal"

31-9-2-46.7. "Foster Care"

31-9-2-46.9. "Foster Family Home"

31-9-2-47. "Foster Parent"

31-9-2-47.6. "Fund"

31-9-2-48. "Governor"

31-9-2-48.3. "Grandparent Visitation"

31-9-2-48.5. "Group Home"

31-9-2-49. "Guardian"

31-9-2-50. "Guardian Ad Litem"

31-9-2-51. "Hard to Place Child" or "Hard to Place Children"

31-9-2-52. "Health Care Provider"

31-9-2-53. "Home State"

31-9-2-54. "Identifying Information"

31-9-2-54.5. "Incapacitated Person"

31-9-2-54.7. "Incarceration"

31-9-2-55. "Includes"

31-9-2-56. "Income"

31-9-2-57. "Income Payor"

31-9-2-58. "Income Withholding Order"

31-9-2-58.3. "Index"

31-9-2-58.5. Repealed

31-9-2-59. Repealed

31-9-2-59.5. "Initial Determination"

31-9-2-60. Repealed

31-9-2-61. "Initiating Tribunal"

31-9-2-62. "Intake Officer"

31-9-2-63. "Intended Biological Parent"

31-9-2-64. "Interested Person"

31-9-2-64.5. "Issuing Court"

31-9-2-64.7. "Issuing Foreign Country"

31-9-2-65. "Issuing State"

31-9-2-66. "Issuing Tribunal"

31-9-2-67. "Joint Legal Custody"

31-9-2-68. "Judge"

31-9-2-69. "Juvenile"

31-9-2-70. "Juvenile Court"

31-9-2-71. "Juvenile Detention Facility"

31-9-2-71.5. "Juvenile Diversion"

31-9-2-72. "Juvenile Law"

31-9-2-72.5. Repealed

31-9-2-72.6. Repealed

31-9-2-72.7. "Kinship Care Navigator Program"

31-9-2-73. "Law"

31-9-2-74. "Law Enforcement Agency"

31-9-2-75. "Legal Settlement"

31-9-2-76. "Legend Drug"

31-9-2-76.3. "Licensee"

31-9-2-76.4. Repealed

31-9-2-76.5. "Long Term Foster Parent"

31-9-2-76.6. "Local Office"

31-9-2-76.7. "Lifetime Sex or Violent Offender"

31-9-2-76.8. "Local Law Enforcement Authority"

31-9-2-77. "Maternal or Paternal Grandparent"

31-9-2-78. "Medical History"

31-9-2-79. "Medical Information"

31-9-2-80. Repealed

31-9-2-80.5. Repealed

31-9-2-80.8. "Modification"

31-9-2-81. Repealed

31-9-2-81.5. "Monitor"

31-9-2-82. "Neglected Child" or "Dependent Child"

31-9-2-83. "Noncustodial Parent"

31-9-2-84. "Nonidentifying Information"

31-9-2-84.6. "Nonrelocating Individual"

31-9-2-84.7. "Nonrelocating Parent"

31-9-2-84.8. "Nonwaivable Offense"

31-9-2-85. "Obligee"

31-9-2-86. "Obligor"

31-9-2-86.5. "Office of Administrative Law Proceedings"

31-9-2-87. "Omission"

31-9-2-87.5. "Outside This State"

31-9-2-88. "Parent"

31-9-2-88.5. "Parenting Time"

31-9-2-88.7. "Permanency Roundtable"

31-9-2-89. "Person"

31-9-2-90. "Person Acting as Parent"

31-9-2-91. "Petitioner"

31-9-2-92. "Physical Custody"

31-9-2-92.5. "Plan"

31-9-2-93. "Pre-Adoptive Sibling"

31-9-2-94. "Preliminary Inquiry"

31-9-2-95. "Premarital Agreement"

31-9-2-95.5. Repealed

31-9-2-96. "Prior Family Law and Juvenile Law"

31-9-2-97. "Probation or Parole"

31-9-2-97.4. "Professional Health Care Provider"

31-9-2-97.6. "Project"

31-9-2-98. "Property"

31-9-2-99. "Prosecuting Attorney"

31-9-2-99.2. "Prospective Adoptive Parent"

31-9-2-99.3. "Provider"

31-9-2-99.7. "Public Welfare"

31-9-2-100. "Putative Father"

31-9-2-100.5. "Qualified Medical Practitioner"

31-9-2-101. "Reason to Believe"

31-9-2-101.5. "Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard"

31-9-2-102. "Receiving State"

31-9-2-102.5. "Recipient"

31-9-2-102.7. "Record"

31-9-2-103. Repealed

31-9-2-103.6. "Region"

31-9-2-103.7. "Regional Services Council"

31-9-2-104. "Register"

31-9-2-105. "Registering Tribunal"

31-9-2-106. "Registry"

31-9-2-106.5. Repealed

31-9-2-107. "Relative"

31-9-2-107.5. "Relocating Individual"

31-9-2-107.7. "Relocation"

31-9-2-108. "Residence"

31-9-2-109. "Residence State"

31-9-2-109.5. "Residential Placement Committee"

31-9-2-110. "Respondent"

31-9-2-111. "Responding State"

31-9-2-112. "Responding Tribunal"

31-9-2-112.3. "Restorative Justice"

31-9-2-112.5. "Risk and Needs Assessment Tool"

31-9-2-112.8. "Risk Screening Tool"

31-9-2-113. Repealed

31-9-2-113.5. "School"

31-9-2-113.7. "Secure Detention Facility"

31-9-2-114. "Secure Facility"

31-9-2-115. "Secure Private Facility"

31-9-2-116. "Sending State"

31-9-2-116.4. "Services"

31-9-2-116.5. "Services or Items"

31-9-2-117. "Shelter Care Facility"

31-9-2-117.3. "Sibling"

31-9-2-117.5. Repealed

31-9-2-118. "Spousal Support Order"

31-9-2-119. "State"

31-9-2-120. "State Department"

31-9-2-121. "State Registrar"

31-9-2-121.5. Repealed

31-9-2-122. Repealed

31-9-2-122.5. "Steve System"

31-9-2-123. "Substantiated"

31-9-2-123.5. "Successful Adulthood Services"

31-9-2-123.7. "Supervised Independent Living Arrangement"

31-9-2-124. "Support Enforcement Agency"

31-9-2-125. "Support Order"

31-9-2-126. "Surrogate"

31-9-2-127. "Surrogate Agreement"

31-9-2-128. Repealed

31-9-2-129. "Team"

31-9-2-129.5. "Therapeutic Foster Family Home"

31-9-2-130. "Title Iv-D Agency"

31-9-2-130.2. "Title Iv-D Case"

31-9-2-130.3. "Transitional Services Plan"

31-9-2-130.5. "Tribe"

31-9-2-131. "Tribunal"

31-9-2-131.3. "Ultimate Authority of the Department"

31-9-2-131.5. "United States Central Authority"

31-9-2-131.7. "Unlicensed Caregiver"

31-9-2-132. "Unsubstantiated"

31-9-2-133. "Victim of Child Abuse or Neglect"

31-9-2-133.1. "Victim of Human or Sexual Trafficking"

31-9-2-134. "Voluntary Information"

31-9-2-134.5. "Wardship"

31-9-2-135. "Warrant"

31-9-2-136. "Youth Service Bureau"