Sec. 3. (a) A birth parent may restrict access to identifying information concerning the birth parent by filing a contact preference form with the state registrar that evidences the birth parent's lack of consent to the release of identifying information under this chapter.
(b) A person who arranges for the signing of a consent to adoption shall provide the birth parent with a contact preference form and the explanation described in IC 31-19-9-6.
(c) Except as provided in sections 15 and 17 of this chapter, the following persons may not release any identifying information concerning a birth parent to an individual requesting the release of identifying information under section 2 of this chapter if a contact preference form that evidences the birth parent's lack of consent to the release of identifying information is in effect at the time of the request for identifying information:
(1) The state registrar.
(2) The department.
(3) A local office.
(4) A licensed child placing agency.
(5) A professional health care provider.
(6) The attorney who arranged the adoption.
(7) A court.
(d) Except as provided in subsection (f), the contact preference form filed under this section remains in effect until the birth parent who filed the contact preference form files a new contact preference form.
(e) The contact preference form is no longer in effect if the birth parent consents in writing to the release of identifying information and has not withdrawn that consent.
(f) A contact preference form is no longer in effect if the birth parent who filed the contact preference form is deceased unless the contact preference form specifically states that the contact preference form remains in effect after the birth parent's death.
[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-3-4.5-4(a).]
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11. Amended by P.L.145-2006, SEC.261; P.L.58-2009, SEC.30; P.L.191-2011, SEC.43; P.L.128-2012, SEC.77; P.L.3-2016, SEC.14.
Structure Indiana Code
Title 31. Family Law and Juvenile Law
Article 19. Family Law: Adoption
31-19-25-1. Application of Chapter
31-19-25-2. Requirements for Release of Identifying Information
31-19-25-2.5. Release Prohibited; Request Information; Affidavit
31-19-25-3. Contact Preference Form; Filing; Duration; Withdrawal; Effect of Consent
31-19-25-3.5. Sending Copy of Contact Preference Form to State Registrar
31-19-25-4.6. Contact Preference Form; Contents; Identification; Duration; Changing Preference
31-19-25-11. Storage and Indexing of Requests and Contact Preference Forms
31-19-25-12. Errors in Execution of Forms
31-19-25-15. Consent Not Required
31-19-25-16. Search of Death Certificates
31-19-25-17. Deceased Adoptee or Birth Parent; Release of Identifying Information
31-19-25-18. Request to Contact Adoptee
31-19-25-18.5. Contact and Disclosure Prohibited
31-19-25-19. Contact; Disclosure of Identifying Information; Written Consent
31-19-25-20. Fee for Services; Fee for Actual Expenses
31-19-25-21. Client Consent Required for Release of Identifying Information by Attorney; Court Order