Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Statements of Economic Interests for Local and School Board Offices
3-8-9-8. Contents of Statement

Sec. 8. A statement must set forth the following information for the preceding calendar year:
(1) The following information for each employer of the filer and each employer of the filer's spouse:
(A) The name of the employer.
(B) The nature of the employer's business.
For purposes of this subdivision, "employer" means any person from whom the filer or the filer's spouse received more than thirty-three percent (33%) of the filer's or the filer's spouse's income.
(2) The following information about any sole proprietorship owned or professional practice operated by the filer:
(A) The name of the sole proprietorship or professional practice.
(B) The nature of the business of the sole proprietorship or professional practice.
(3) The name of any partnership or limited liability company in which the filer or the filer's spouse is a member and the nature of the business of the partnership or limited liability company.
(4) The name of a corporation (other than a church) of which the filer or the filer's spouse is an officer or a director and the nature of the corporation's business.
As added by P.L.90-2012, SEC.3.