Indiana Code
Chapter 30. Voter Registration Record Confidentiality Requirements and Use Restrictions
3-7-30-4. Uses and Prohibitions of Registration List

Sec. 4. (a) This section applies to the following:
(1) A county chairman who receives a certified list of registered voters prepared for a precinct inspector under this article.
(2) A person who receives a list from a county chairman described in subdivision (1).
(b) A list received under subsection (a) may not be:
(1) disclosed by a person who receives the list under subsection (a) to a commercial entity for commercial purposes; or
(2) used by a commercial entity for commercial purposes.
(c) A person may:
(1) use information obtained under this section in connection with the preparation of a news broadcast or a publication in a newspaper; and
(2) publish information obtained under this section in a news broadcast or newspaper.
As added by P.L.12-1995, SEC.40.