Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Vote Fraud
3-14-2-2. Fraudulent Application for Registration or Procurement of Registration

Sec. 2. A person who, knowing the person is not a voter and will not be a voter at the next election, applies for registration or procures registration as a voter commits a Class C infraction. However, the violation is a Class A misdemeanor if it is committed knowingly or intentionally and the person has a prior unrelated adjudication or conviction for a violation of this section within the previous five (5) years.
As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.32-2019, SEC.1.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 3. Elections

Article 14. Offenses

Chapter 2. Vote Fraud

3-14-2-1. Fraudulent Application for Registration or Absentee Ballot; Fraudulent Voting; Payment for Obtaining Signatures for Placing Public Question or Candidate on Ballot

3-14-2-2. Fraudulent Application for Registration or Procurement of Registration

3-14-2-2.5. Solicitation for Fraudulent Absentee Ballot Application

3-14-2-3. Fraudulent Subscription of Another Person's Name

3-14-2-4. Registering to Vote More Than Once

3-14-2-5. Destruction or Failure to File or Deliver Registration Form or Absentee Ballot Application After Execution

3-14-2-6. Unauthorized Release or Removal of Registration Materials or Information

3-14-2-7. Withholding Information or Furnishing False Information to Poll Taker; Return of False Names or Names of Deceased Persons

3-14-2-8. Return of Names of Ineligible, Fictitious, or Deceased Persons by Poll Taker

3-14-2-9. Unregistered or Unauthorized Voting

3-14-2-10. Voting by Ineligible Persons

3-14-2-11. Voting in Other Precincts; Making False Statements Concerning Certain Voter Information

3-14-2-12. Voting or Applying to Vote in False Name and Own Name

3-14-2-13. Hiring or Soliciting an Ineligible Person to Vote in a Precinct

3-14-2-14. Precinct Officer or Public Official Allowing Ineligible Voters or Unauthorized Procedure

3-14-2-15. Unauthorized Delivery of Ballots

3-14-2-16. Ballots; Fraudulent Application, Showing, Examination, Receipt, Possession, Completion, or Delivery

3-14-2-17. Marking Ballot to Indicate to Another Person How Voter Has Voted

3-14-2-18. Disclosure of Voter's Vote to Another

3-14-2-19. Forgery of Official Ballot Endorsement; Printing or Circulating Imitation Ballot

3-14-2-20. Deceptive Registration of Vote

3-14-2-21. Fraudulent Inducement to Vote Other Than as Intended

3-14-2-22. False Representation of Ballot to Non-English Speaking Voter

3-14-2-23. Opening, Destruction, or Unauthorized Delivery of Ballots by Custodian of Ballots

3-14-2-24. Removal or Destruction of Ballots; False Entries in Poll Book; False Tallying

3-14-2-25. Marking or Defacing Ballots by Precinct Election Board Member or Authorized Election Personnel

3-14-2-26. Tampering With Ballot Container, Voting System Component, or Contents

3-14-2-27. Fraudulent Recording of Votes; False Statement, Certificate, or Return of Vote

3-14-2-28. Fraudulent Alteration of Election Return; Intentional Destruction of Poll Book or Tally; Fraudulent Alteration of Vote as Returned

3-14-2-29. Inspecting Voting System Without Authorization

3-14-2-30. Voting at More Than One Town Convention Held During Same Election Year

3-14-2-31. Voting More Than One Ballot at the Same Election; Replacement Ballot Exception