Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Qualification and Bonding Requirements for Guardians
29-3-7-3. Letters of Guardianship

Sec. 3. (a) Letters of guardianship, temporary or otherwise, shall be issued to the person entitled to receive them when:
(1) the guardian, if an individual, has filed bond if required and taken and subscribed before the clerk or any other officer authorized to administer oaths, an oath or affirmation that the guardian will faithfully discharge the duties of the guardian's trust according to law; or
(2) the guardian, if other than an individual, has filed bond if required and has:
(A) taken and subscribed before the clerk or any other officer authorized to administer oaths an oath or affirmation that it will faithfully discharge the duties of its trust according to law; and
(B) filed an acceptance of the appointment, duly executed and acknowledged by one (1) of its officers.
(b) The oath, and if other than an individual also the acceptance, shall be filed and recorded as a part of the proceedings of the guardianship.
(c) If the court limits or restricts the authority of the guardian or creates a limited guardianship, the letters must so state under IC 29-3-8.
As added by P.L.169-1988, SEC.1.