Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Direct Primary Care Agreements
25-1-10-5. Requirements for Direct Primary Care Agreement

Sec. 5. A direct primary care agreement must meet all of the following requirements:
(1) Be in writing.
(2) Be signed by the:
(A) primary care provider, the employer of the primary care provider, or an agent of the primary care provider or employer of the primary care provider; and
(B) the patient or the patient's legal representative.
(3) Allow either party to terminate the agreement upon written notice to the other party.
(4) Describe the scope of primary care health services that are covered by the periodic fee.
(5) Specify the periodic fee and any additional fees for ongoing care under the agreement.
(6) Specify the duration of the agreement and any automatic renewal periods.
(7) Require not more than twelve (12) months of a periodic fee to be paid in advance.
(8) Prominently state in writing that the agreement is not health insurance.
As added by P.L.108-2017, SEC.1.