Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Interest Limits and Application of Other Laws
24-4.6-1-104. Computation of Interest; Methods

Sec. 104. (a) The parties may agree upon any method of computing interest on a loan or a forbearance of money, goods, or things in action if the amount of interest on the unpaid balances of the principal does not exceed any limitation imposed by law upon charges incident to the extension of credit.
(b) Methods of computing interest to which parties may agree under this section include the following:
(1) Simple interest on the unpaid balances of the principal.
(2) Simple interest on the outstanding balance of the principal to which is added past due installments of interest, the sum of which forms the principal upon which interest thereafter shall be computed. The addition to principal in this manner may occur repeatedly but not more frequently than daily.
(c) Unless the parties agree otherwise, the method of computing interest agreed upon under this section continues to apply after the term of the loan or forbearance, including after the award of a judgment on the loan or forbearance, until all principal and interest and the amount of any judgment are paid.
(d) If the parties do not agree on the method of computation, interest shall be computed and charged:
(1) at the rate agreed to by the parties or as provided in section 102 of this chapter; and
(2) according to the method described in subsection (b)(2).
As added by P.L.140-1990, SEC.1.