Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Worker's Occupational Diseases Compensation
22-3-7-13. Presumptive Dependents; Termination of Dependency

Sec. 13. (a) The following persons are conclusively presumed to be wholly dependent for support upon a deceased employee and shall constitute the class known as presumptive dependents in section 12 of this chapter:
(1) A wife upon a husband with whom she is living at the time of his death, or upon whom the laws of the state impose the obligation of her support at such time. The term "wife", as used in this subdivision, shall exclude a common law wife unless such common law relationship was entered into before January 1, 1958, and, in addition, existed openly and notoriously for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the death.
(2) A husband upon his wife with whom he is living at the time of her death. The term "husband", as used in this subdivision, shall exclude a common law husband unless such common law relationship was entered into before January 1, 1958, and, in addition existed openly and notoriously for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the death.
(3) An unmarried child under the age of twenty-one (21) years upon the parent with whom the child is living at the time of the death of such parent.
(4) An unmarried child under twenty-one (21) years upon the parent with whom the child may not be living at the time of the death of such parent, but upon whom at such time, the laws of the state impose the obligation to support such child.
(5) A child over the age of twenty-one (21) years who has never been married and who is either physically or mentally incapacitated from earning the child's own support, upon a parent upon whom the laws of the state impose the obligation of the support of such unmarried child.
(6) A child over the age of twenty-one (21) years who has never been married and who at the time of the death of the parent is keeping house for and living with such parent and is not otherwise gainfully employed.
(b) As used in this section, the term "child" includes stepchildren, legally adopted children, posthumous children, and acknowledged children born out of wedlock. The term "parent" includes stepparents and parents by adoption.
(c) The dependency of a child under subsections (a)(3) and (a)(4) shall terminate when the child attains the age of twenty-one (21).
(d) The dependency of any person as a presumptive dependent shall terminate upon the marriage of such dependent subsequent to the death of the employee, and such dependency shall not be reinstated by divorce. However, for deaths from injuries occurring on and after July 1, 1977, a surviving spouse who is a presumptive dependent and who is the only surviving dependent of the deceased is entitled to receive, upon remarriage before the expiration of the maximum statutory compensation period, a lump sum settlement equal to the smaller of one hundred four (104) weeks of compensation or the compensation for the remainder of the maximum statutory period.
(e) The dependency of any child under subsection (a)(6) shall be terminated at such time as such dependent becomes gainfully employed or marries.
Formerly: Acts 1937, c.69, s.7b; Acts 1947, c.164, s.3; Acts 1963, c.388, s.9. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.261, SEC.4; P.L.152-1987, SEC.7; P.L.134-1990, SEC.2.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 22. Labor and Safety

Article 3. Worker's Compensation System

Chapter 7. Worker's Occupational Diseases Compensation

22-3-7-1. Repealed

22-3-7-2. Applicability; Burden of Proof; Police and Firefighter Coverage

22-3-7-2.5. School to Work Student

22-3-7-3. Waiver of Exemption From Act by Employer; Notice of Acceptance; Filing

22-3-7-4. Repealed

22-3-7-5. Coal Mining; Application of Law

22-3-7-6. Exclusive Remedies

22-3-7-7. Statutory Duties; Application of Law

22-3-7-8. Place of Exposure; Foreign States or Foreign Countries

22-3-7-9. Definitions; Applicability of Chapter; Exemptions

22-3-7-9-b. Definitions; Applicability of Chapter; Exemptions

22-3-7-9.2. "Violation of the Employment of Minors Laws of This State"

22-3-7-10. Definitions; Course of Employment

22-3-7-10.5. Average Weekly Wages of Public Employee; Determination

22-3-7-11. Death Benefits; Payment

22-3-7-12. Dependents; Classification

22-3-7-13. Presumptive Dependents; Termination of Dependency

22-3-7-14. Dependents; Total or Partial Dependents; Relatives; Termination of Dependency

22-3-7-15. Death Benefits; Burial Expenses

22-3-7-16. Disablements; Awards

22-3-7-16-b. Disablements; Awards

22-3-7-17. Medical Attendance and Treatment; Prosthetic Devices; Emergency Treatment; Liability to Providers; Medical Service Provider Claims

22-3-7-17.1. Collection of Medical Expense Payments; Civil Penalties; Good Faith Errors

22-3-7-17.2. Billing Review Service Standards

22-3-7-17.2-b. Billing Review Service Standards

22-3-7-17.4. Repackaged Drugs; Maximum Reimbursement Amount

22-3-7-17.6. Formulary; Reimbursement for "N" Drug

22-3-7-18. Awards; Lump Sum Payments

22-3-7-19. Awards; Computation; Average Weekly Wages

22-3-7-19-b. Awards; Computation; Average Weekly Wages

22-3-7-20. Physical Examinations; Board and Lodging; Traveling Expenses; Reports; Autopsy

22-3-7-21. Awards; Disqualification

22-3-7-22. Industrial Board; Expenses; Office Space; Meetings

22-3-7-23. Jurisdiction; Administration

22-3-7-24. Rules; Hearings; Subpoenas; Production of Books and Papers; Attorney's Fees

22-3-7-25. Forms and Literature; Reports; Confidential Information

22-3-7-26. Disputes; Settlement

22-3-7-27. Awards; Modification; Hearings; Appeals; Investigations

22-3-7-28. Destruction of Records

22-3-7-29. Priorities and Preferences; Assignment; Claims of Creditors; Child Support Income Withholding

22-3-7-30. Awards; Private Agreements; Filing

22-3-7-31. Waiver of Compensation; Approval; Silicosis or Asbestosis

22-3-7-32. Actions and Proceedings; Notice; Limitation of Actions

22-3-7-33. Exposure; Presumptions; Joint Employers

22-3-7-34. Insurance; Self-Insurance; Exemptions

22-3-7-34.3. Proof of Compliance; Notice; Civil Penalty; Internet Posting

22-3-7-34.5. Independent Contractors Seeking Exemption From Chapter; Filing Statement; Fees; Certificate of Exemption

22-3-7-35. Contract Relieving Employer of Obligations

22-3-7-36. Third Parties; Actions to Recover Damages; Subrogation; Limitation of Actions

22-3-7-37. Reports of Disablements; Penalties; Venue

22-3-7-38. Application of Law