Sec. 1. The center for coal technology research is established to perform the following duties:
(1) Develop technologies that can use Indiana coal in an environmentally and economically sound manner.
(2) Investigate the reuse of clean coal technology byproducts including fly ash and coal bed methane.
(3) Generate innovative research in the field of coal use.
(4) Develop new, efficient, and economical sorbents for effective control of emissions.
(5) Investigate ways to increase coal combustion efficiency.
(6) Develop materials that withstand higher combustion temperatures.
(7) Carry out any other duty concerning coal technology research, including public education, as determined by the center.
(8) Administer the Indiana coal research grant fund under IC 4-23-5.5-16.
(9) Investigate the use of coal bed methane in the production of renewable or alternative fuels and renewable energy sources.
[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 4-4-30-5.]
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.288. Amended by P.L.214-2019, SEC.31.
Structure Indiana Code