Sec. 10. (a) Subject to section 9 of this chapter, an individual may, on any outdoor area of campus, freely engage in noncommercial protected expressive activity that:
(1) is lawful; and
(2) does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the state educational institution.
(b) This section does not:
(1) prevent a state educational institution from prohibiting, limiting, or restricting expression that is not protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, including threats, expression directed to provoke imminent lawless action and likely to produce imminent lawless action;
(2) prevent a state educational institution from prohibiting harassment; or
(3) allow an individual to engage in conduct that intentionally, materially, and substantially disrupts the protected expressive activity of another individual occurring in a space on campus reserved for the other individual's protected expressive activity under the exclusive use or control of a particular group or student organization.
As added by P.L.145-2022, SEC.2.
Structure Indiana Code
Article 39. State Educational Institutions: Regulation of Conduct
Chapter 8. Speech and Expression on Campus
21-39-8-4. "Materially and Substantially Disrupt"
21-39-8-5. "Protected Expressive Activity"
21-39-8-6. "Outdoor Area of a Campus"
21-39-8-8. "Student Organization"
21-39-8-9. Time, Place, and Manner Regulation
21-39-8-10. Noncommercial Protected Expressive Activity; Exceptions
21-39-8-11. Prohibition on the Denial of a Benefit or Privilege; Prohibition on Discrimination
21-39-8-12. Student Protected Expressive Activity Policies
21-39-8-13. Information Concerning Claims Against a State Educational Institution; Report