Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Acquisition of Certain Support Facilities and Research Facilities; Revenue Bonds
21-35-3-23. Maximum Aggregate Principal Amount of Bonds Each Biennium

Sec. 23. The general assembly may establish each biennium in the appropriation act the maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds that any one (1) or more state educational institution may issue during the ensuing biennium under this chapter.
[Pre-2007 Higher Education Recodification Citation: 20-12-8-8.]
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.276.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 21. Higher Education

Article 35. State Educational Institutions: Revenue Bonds and Other Financing Arrangements

Chapter 3. Acquisition of Certain Support Facilities and Research Facilities; Revenue Bonds

21-35-3-1. Applicability of Chapter

21-35-3-2. Applicable Properties

21-35-3-3. Supplemental Effect of Chapter

21-35-3-4. Prior Contracts and Bonds Unaffected; Limited Applicability of Chapter

21-35-3-5. Effect of Acts 1977 p.l.250

21-35-3-6. Construction, Improvement, Operation, and Control of Various Facilities; Acquisition of Real and Personal Property for Facilities; Authorized

21-35-3-7. Indiana University and Purdue University Boards; Power to Construct, Improve, Operate, and Control Various Facilities; Limitations on Use of Fees

21-35-3-8. Authority to Acquire Personal and Real Property

21-35-3-9. Authority to Improve and Use Acquired Property

21-35-3-10. Title to Acquired Property

21-35-3-11. Acquisition of Real Property; Approval of Governor; Conveyance and Execution of Deed

21-35-3-12. Issuance and Sale of Bonds

21-35-3-13. Bonds and Interest on Bonds Secured by Pledge or Mortgage

21-35-3-14. Liens

21-35-3-15. Maximum Bond Amounts

21-35-3-16. Determination of Denominations and Maturation of Bonds; Rates of Interest

21-35-3-17. Bonds and Pledges or Mortgages Made in the Name of the State Educational Institution

21-35-3-18. Limitation on State or Institutional Liability for Indebtedness

21-35-3-19. Authority to Furnish Heat, Light, Power, and Other Like Facilities or Services With or Without Charge

21-35-3-20. Tax Exemption

21-35-3-21. Contracts; Approval of the Budget Agency and Governor

21-35-3-22. Issuance of Bonds; Approval of the Budget Agency, Budget Committee, and Governor; Recommendations; Refunds

21-35-3-23. Maximum Aggregate Principal Amount of Bonds Each Biennium

21-35-3-24. Actions to Contest Validity of Bonds