Indiana Code
Chapter 14. Degree Maps
21-12-14-3. Degree Maps; Availability of Courses

Sec. 3. This section applies to a student who initially enrolls in a state educational institution after July 31, 2014. A state educational institution shall ensure that courses necessary for the student to comply with the student's degree map are available for the student during the academic term in which the student is required to complete the particular course. If a student who complies with the student's degree map is unable to take a course required under the student's degree map for the current academic term because:
(1) the state educational institution does not offer the course during that particular academic term; or
(2) the student is unable to enroll in the course:
(A) because the course times at which the course is offered conflict with other course requirements specified for the current academic term in the student's degree map; or
(B) because the course is full;
the state educational institution shall provide the particular course to the student at no cost during the next available academic term in which the course is offered unless the state educational institution provides the student with an alternate degree map that does not require the student to take the course that semester.
As added by P.L.281-2013, SEC.30.