Indiana Code
Chapter 4. General Administrative Provisions
20-25-4-19. School Lunches; Expenses

Sec. 19. (a) If the board determines it will promote the health of school children and advance the educational work of the schools, the board may provide for the serving of lunches to the students attending designated schools.
(b) The board may:
(1) establish kitchens and lunch rooms;
(2) provide equipment suitable for kitchens and lunch rooms;
(3) make other necessary provision for furnishing and serving lunches; and
(4) employ a director and other necessary assistants or employees;
to provide lunches under subsection (a).
(c) The board shall pay the expenses arising under subsection (b) out of the board's operations fund. The expense of operating a lunch department shall, so far as practicable, be paid from charges paid by the students for the lunches. However, the board may, in the board's discretion, furnish lunches without cost to a student who is needy and unable to pay for the student's lunch.
[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-3-11-30.]
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.244-2017, SEC.36.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 20. Education

Article 25. Indianapolis Public Schools

Chapter 4. General Administrative Provisions

20-25-4-1. Contracts or Obligations; Appropriations

20-25-4-2. Contracts Involving More Than $75,000; Bidding for Supplies and Materials

20-25-4-3. School Building Improvements; Bidding Procedure

20-25-4-4. Designation of Bid Committee; Opening and Tabulating of Bids

20-25-4-5. Repealed

20-25-4-6. Repealed

20-25-4-7. Repealed

20-25-4-8. Repealed

20-25-4-9. Repealed

20-25-4-10. Limitations on Debt; Eminent Domain Power of Board of School Commissioners

20-25-4-11. Board of School Commissioners; Powers and Duties Conferred by Law

20-25-4-12. Board of School Commissioners; Powers; Prohibited Land Acquisitions

20-25-4-13. Operating Expenses for Special Schools and Vacation Schools; Imposition of Fees

20-25-4-14. School Cities; Power to Sell Real Estate and Transfer Personal Property

20-25-4-15. Absence of Board Commissioners or Employees; Reimbursement for Expenses

20-25-4-16. Industrial or Manual Training and Education System; Establishment

20-25-4-17. Industrial or Trade School Properties Acquired by Gift; Maintenance and Operation of Trade School; Transfer Tuition Charges; Nonresidents

20-25-4-18. Authority of School Cities to Accept Property in Trust

20-25-4-19. School Lunches; Expenses

20-25-4-20. Applicability of General School Laws

20-25-4-21. School Reorganization Plans; Applicability

20-25-4-22. Authority to Establish Police Department