Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Qualifications and Appointment of Delegates and Alternate Delegates
2-8.2-3-3. Appointment by General Assembly

Sec. 3. (a) Whenever an Article V convention is called, the general assembly shall appoint:
(1) the number of delegates allocated to represent Indiana; and
(2) an equal number of alternate delegates;
under rules adopted jointly by the house of representatives and the senate. Unless established otherwise by the rules and procedures of an Article V convention, it shall be assumed that Indiana has two (2) delegates and two (2) alternate delegates designated to represent Indiana.
(b) If the general assembly is not in session during the time during which delegates to an Article V convention must be appointed, the governor shall call the general assembly into special session under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana for the purpose of appointing delegates and alternate delegates.
As added by P.L.183-2013, SEC.1.