Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Registration Statements
2-7-2-3. Contents; Lobbyists Compensated for Lobbying

Sec. 3. The registration statement of each lobbyist who is compensated for lobbying must include the following:
(1) The name, Social Security number, residence address and telephone number, and business address and telephone number of the lobbyist.
(2) The name, business address, telephone number, and kind of business of each person (including the names of each officer or partner) who compensates the lobbyist.
(3) The lobbyist's primary occupation and the name or names of the lobbyist's employers if different than those specified in subdivision (2).
(4) The subject matter of the lobbyist's lobbying.
(5) The name of any member who is a relative of the lobbyist.
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.9, SEC.1. Amended by Acts 1982, P.L.9, SEC.2; P.L.6-1987, SEC.1; P.L.123-2015, SEC.9.