Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Statement of Economic Interests
2-2.2-2-3. Statement of Economic Interests; Required Information

Sec. 3. (a) A statement of economic interests filed under this chapter must include the following information:
(1) The following information about employers:
(A) The name of each of the filer's employers. If:
(i) the house or the senate is the filer's sole employer; or
(ii) the filer is retired;
the filer must state that fact.
(B) The name of each of the filer's spouse's employers. If the filer's spouse is retired, the filer must state that fact.
(C) Sufficient detail about the nature of an employer named under clause (A) or (B) to make it clear to an individual of ordinary understanding the nature of the employer's business.
(2) The following information about business entities:
(A) The name of each business entity owned or operated by the filer or the filer's spouse.
(B) The name of each business entity in which the filer or the filer's spouse is a member.
(C) The name of each business entity in which the filer or the filer's spouse is an officer or a director.
(D) The name of each business entity in which the filer owns stock or another ownership interest having a fair market value of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(E) The name of each business entity in which any of the following owns stock or other ownership interest having fair market value of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000):
(i) The filer's spouse.
(ii) The filer's unemancipated children.
(iii) A trust of which the filer is a beneficiary.
(F) The name of each business entity in which the filer owns stock options having a fair market value of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(G) If the filer's equity interest in a business entity reported under this subdivision is five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more, the filer must specifically identify the name of that business entity as such.
The filer must describe the nature of the business of each business entity reported under this subdivision. The filer must provide sufficient detail about the nature of the business entity to make it clear to an individual of ordinary understanding the nature of the business entity.
(3) The following information about persons other than the general assembly or any employer or business entity for which information is reported under subdivision (1) or (2):
(A) The name of any person from which the filer or the filer's spouse derived twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the filer's or the filer's spouse's income.
(B) Sufficient detail about the nature of the business of a person named under clause (A) to make it clear to an individual of ordinary understanding the nature of the person's business.
However, income from the sale of agricultural or residential real property shall not be reported under this subdivision and shall not be considered for purposes of determining the income of the filer or the filer's spouse.
(4) The name of a state agency or the supreme court of Indiana, if the state agency or the supreme court licenses or regulates any of the following:
(A) The filer's or the filer's spouse's profession or occupation.
(B) A business entity reported under subdivision (2). The filer must also report the nature of the licensure or regulation.
For purposes of this subdivision, a requirement to file certain reports with the secretary of state or to register with the department of state revenue as a retail merchant, manufacturer, or wholesaler is not considered as licensure or regulation.
(5) The following information about a lobbyist who is a member, an officer, a director, or a manager of a business entity that employs the filer or the filer has reported under subdivision (2):
(A) The name of the lobbyist.
(B) A description of the legislative matters that are the object of the lobbyist's activity.
(6) The name of a lobbyist who is a relative of the filer.
(7) The name of the state agency or official before which the filer has personally appeared on behalf of another person outside of the course of his or her official duties as a member of the general assembly. A report is not required under this subdivision if the filer rendered services to the person without compensation.
(8) If the filer is registered with an agency of the federal government or a state other than Indiana because the filer engages in the business of influencing legislative or executive decision making of the federal government or the other state. The filer must report the name of each agency of the federal government or the government of the other state with which the filer is registered.
(b) A filer must enter information in each blank of the form. If information requested by the form is inapplicable to the filer, the filer must enter "not applicable", "none", or a similar response in the blank.
As added by P.L.123-2015, SEC.2.