Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Statewide Child Fatality Review Committee
16-49-4-10. Discussion of Confidential Matters; Applicable Laws; Immunity From Liability

Sec. 10. Members of the statewide child fatality review committee and individuals who attend a meeting of the statewide child fatality review committee as invitees of the chairperson:
(1) may discuss among themselves confidential matters that are before the statewide child fatality review committee;
(2) are bound by all applicable laws regarding the confidentiality of matters reviewed by the statewide child fatality review committee; and
(3) except when acting:
(A) with malice;
(B) in bad faith; or
(C) with gross negligence;
are immune from any civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be imposed as a result of communicating among themselves about confidential matters that are before the statewide child fatality review committee.
As added by P.L.119-2013, SEC.3.