Indiana Code
Chapter 7. Sickle Cell Anemia Grant Program
16-46-7-8. Duties of State Health Department; Program Requirements

Sec. 8. (a) The state department shall do the following:
(1) Develop the following:
(A) Application criteria and standards of eligibility for groups or organizations who apply for funds under this program.
(B) Standards for determining eligibility for individuals requesting care and treatment for sickle cell disease under the program established under this chapter.
(2) Make available grants to groups and organizations who meet the eligibility standards set by the department. However:
(A) the highest priority for grants shall be accorded to established sickle cell disease community based organizations throughout Indiana; and
(B) priority shall also be given to ensuring the establishment of sickle cell disease centers in underserved areas that have a higher population of sickle cell disease patients, including the:
(i) northwest;
(ii) northeast;
(iii) south; and
(iv) southwest;
regions of Indiana.
(3) Determine the maximum amount available for each grant.
(4) Determine policies for expiration and renewal of grants.
(5) Require that all grant funds be used for the purpose of prevention, care, and treatment of sickle cell disease or for educational programs concerning the disease.
(6) Assist in the development and expansion of care for the treatment of individuals with sickle cell disease, particularly for adults, including the following types of care:
(A) Self-administered.
(B) Preventative.
(C) Home care.
(D) Other evidence based medical procedures and techniques designed to provide maximum control over sickling episodes typical of occurring to an individual with the disease.
(7) In order to increase the effectiveness of funds appropriated under this chapter, provide financial assistance to individuals with sickle cell disease for the following treatments of the disease:
(A) Chronic blood transfusions.
(B) Hydroxyurea.
(C) Folic acid.
(D) Use of other efficacious agents.
(8) Adopt necessary rules under IC 4-22-2 for the administration of this chapter.
(b) The program described in section 2 of this chapter must provide for the following:
(1) Increased access to health care for individuals with sickle cell disease, with services provided either:
(A) directly through the state department; or
(B) indirectly through a contract with health care providers, municipal health departments, or community based organizations.
(2) Establishment of an adult sickle cell disease infusion center.
(3) Increased access to mental health resources and pain management therapies for individuals with sickle cell disease, with services provided either:
(A) directly through the state department; or
(B) indirectly through a contract with health care providers, municipal health departments, or community based organizations.
(4) Counseling to any individual, at no cost, concerning sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait, and the characteristics, symptoms, and treatment of the disease, with services provided either:
(A) directly through the state department; or
(B) indirectly through a contract with health care providers, municipal health departments, or community based organizations.
(5) The development of a sickle cell disease educational outreach program that includes the dissemination of educational materials to the following concerning sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait:
(A) Medical residents.
(B) Immigrants.
(C) Schools and universities.
(D) Businesses.
(c) The counseling described in subsection (b)(4) may consist of any of the following:
(1) Genetic counseling for an individual who tests positive for sickle cell trait.
(2) Psychosocial counseling for an individual who tests positive for sickle cell disease, including any of the following:
(A) Social service counseling.
(B) Psychological counseling.
(C) Psychiatric counseling.
(d) The state department may contract with an entity to implement the sickle cell disease educational outreach program described in subsection (b)(5).
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-2-5-8.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.29. Amended by P.L.87-1994, SEC.12; P.L.55-2019, SEC.2.