Indiana Code
Chapter 33. Pest Control: Local and State Programs for Vector Abatement
16-41-33-4. Appropriations; Tax Levies

Sec. 4. The county fiscal body or the governing board of a health and hospital corporation may, on the fiscal body's or board of trustees' own initiative or after a petition signed by five percent (5%) of the registered voters within the jurisdiction of the health department, make an annual appropriation specifically for the purpose of vector control to be used by the health department solely for that purpose and levy a tax of not more than sixty-seven hundredths of one cent ($0.0067) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed value of taxable property in the county.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-1-7.3-7.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.24. Amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.179.