Indiana Code
Chapter 32. Regulation of Lodging Facilities and Bedding Materials: Materials Used in Mattresses and Bedding
16-41-32-22. Information Tags

Sec. 22. (a) Each new article of bedding governed by this chapter must have securely attached to the article a substantial white cloth tag that meets the following conditions:
(1) Is visible on the outside covering, with the visible part being not less than six (6) square inches in size.
(2) Will not flake when abraded.
(3) Upon which is indelibly stamped or printed in the English language a statement of the following:
(A) Describing the kind of materials used in filling the article of bedding.
(B) Stating that the materials are new.
(C) Disclosing the name and address of the manufacturer, distributor, or vendor.
(D) For articles of bedding made of feather, down, or material that comes from an animal, the number of the permit issued to the processor who sterilized or disinfected the materials.
(E) For articles of bedding containing mixtures of material from animal or fowl, the percentage by weight of each kind of material contained in the article of bedding.
(b) Each article of bedding containing secondhand material, in whole or in part, must have securely attached to the article a similar tag of yellow cloth upon which is stamped or printed in the same manner as required in subsection (a) a statement of the following:
(1) Describing the kind of materials used in filling the article of bedding.
(2) Stating that the article of bedding or materials in the bedding are secondhand.
(3) Disclosing the number of the permit issued to the processor who sterilized or disinfected the article of bedding or materials in the bedding.
(c) A shipment or delivery, however contained, of material used for filling articles of bedding must have conspicuously attached to the material a tag upon which is stamped or printed, as required in this section, a statement of the following:
(1) Describing the kind of material.
(2) Stating whether the material is new or secondhand.
(3) Disclosing the name and address of the manufacturer, distributor, or vendor.
(4) For secondhand material or material from animal or fowl, disclosing the permit number of the processor who sterilized or disinfected the material.
(d) The terms used on the tag to describe filling materials must be restricted to those defined in the rules adopted under this chapter. A trade or substitute term may not be used, and no additional information may be contained in the statement. The description of the filling material and the statement of whether new or secondhand must be in plain type not less than one-eighth (1/8) inch in height.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-9-4-6 part.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.24. Amended by P.L.142-1995, SEC.28.